
Sunday, January 01, 2012

Rupiah was like a monkey in a maize field - Chisunka

Rupiah was like a monkey in a maize field - Chisunka
By Roy Habaalu
Sun 01 Jan. 2012, 13:58 CAT

RUPIAH Banda was like a monkey in a maize field, says chief Chisunka. Commenting on revelations that the corruption of Frederick Chiluba's 10-year-rule was a joke when compared with the theft of public resources in just three years of Banda's government, chief Chisunka of Luapula province said former president Banda was intoxicated with corruption.

"It was like a monkey in a maize field. As traditional leaders we were not seeing what was happening until the minister revealed, but this is what I said; that he (Banda) must be prosecuted and explain the source of his corruptly-obtained money," said chief Chisunka.

He said former ministers that were close to Banda must be investigated for stealing from the poor.

He said suffering in rural areas under the MMD had reached unbelievable levels because leaders had stolen money meant for development.

"He (Banda) never imagined he would be president. After getting him from the farm, it was free for all. He thought even if he stole he would continue as president. As chiefs and subjects, there was nothing we got but look at the money they spent on foreign trips, K40 billion! What type of president was ba Rupiah?" he wondered.

He said members of parliament that denounced traditional leaders should reconcile with them and work together.

Chief Chisunka said in 2012, parliamentarians should find time to plan with traditional leaders on how they would deliver development in various areas.

"There are a lot of things happening on the ground, let them not just stay in Lusaka like was the case during MMD where MPs where dictating the use of CDF (Constituency Development Fund)," said Chisunka.

Minister of Home Affairs Kennedy Sakeni recently said the corruption in Frederick Chiluba's 10-year-rule was just a joke when compared to the theft of public resources in just three years of Rupiah Banda's government.

Sakeni said everything in Banda's administration stinks and Banda was free for now because of his immunity from prosecution.

President Banda had promised take a robust anti-corruption stance when he came into power but many see him as having faltered in that regard.

Several former leaders in Banda's regime are being investigated for various corruption-related offences.

The Drug-Enforcement Commission is also investigating to establish the source of the US $1 million (about K5 billion) held in a commercial bank account by Mpundu Trust, which is linked to Banda.

There are also investigations involving Banda's acquisition of luxury villas located on Leopards Hill Road, his role in the acquisition of scanners for the Zambia Revenue Authority and the sale of gold among others.

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