Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Sata assassination story annoys government

Sata assassination story annoys government
By Ernest Chanda
Mon 23 Jan. 2012, 13:00 CAT

We'll deal conclusively with the false story - defence minister

STATE House has ordered security wings to arrest people behind a false online story published yesterday alleging that President Michael Sata had been assassinated.

And defence minister Geoffrey Mwamba has vowed to conclusively deal with people behind the false story.

Meanwhile, home affairs minister Kennedy Sakeni says it is treasonable for anyone to spread false rumours that a head a state has been assassinated.

According to a link to the online encyclopedia Wikipedia, the site ended President Sata's biography with the announcement of his ‘assassination' in the early hours of yesterday.

President Sata's special assistant for press and public relations George Chellah described the story as malicious, sadistic and unfounded.

He stated that the story was published by a named website which he described as uncouth, claiming that the head of state was assassinated in the early hours of yesterday.

"As a matter of fact, State House is aware that such horrid stories are being perpetrated by certain rogue elements, with a bulk of them being investigated for gross misconduct and corruption in the ongoing crusade against graft. These elements are being aided in this attempt to create panic and despondency in our people by another cluster of frustrated politicians, who cannot stomach the reality of losing an election. The Presidency is wide awake to this low-priced political campaign and has ordered the state security wings to straight away bring the perpetrators of such evil acts to book," stated Chellah.

"In the past, the President tolerated akin stories and dismissed them politely but now that he has the mandate of the Zambian people to govern and a development agenda to fulfill; we will let the state security wings chart the way forward on this and any related matters in order to safeguard and preserve the peace this country has enjoyed over a long period of time. Our word of caution to those behind these thoughtless, persistent and inhumane stories circulating in the country, especially on the internet is for them to stop at once before they meet the penalty of their deeds."

And Mwamba, in an interview, said the matter would be investigated as it bordered on the country's security.

"This is the work of some of the members of the opposition. If I can tell you now, I have just arrived from South Africa. I am going to State House now. Such rumours are not good for the country. You don't talk or joke about such sensitive issues. We shall take this matter very seriously. This is just the wish of disgruntled elements in society," said Mwamba.

"As Minister of Defence, I will ensure that this matter is investigated conclusively and the culprits are brought to book."

This is not the first time an online media publication has carried a false story bordering on President Sata's health.

And Sakeni said there were other channels of expressing dissatisfaction over the government's work than spreading treasonable rumours.

"This is total madness. This crime of spreading alarming and disastrous messages on internet needs to be stopped. That is the work of people who are not even worthy to be called human beings. How do you come up with such a stupid rumour which is just meant to bring despondency in the country and tantamount to treason?" Sakeni asked.

"It is treasonable actually to talk about such things. Even if you are dissatisfied with a leader, you don't go to such extents of spreading such rumours which may just bring insecurity in the minds of the people. This is the work of the enemies of the PF government, mostly those who are so dissatisfied with our successes in the last four months."

He said security officers in the country needed to be alert in fighting cyber crime.

"We will have to alert our security officers to fight cyber crime. This is getting out of hand. The chaps are hiding themselves and can't even put their names on their stories. Online media needs to verify stories, and even foreign media, before publishing their stories. And security officers must also double up their efforts to discover who are behind this crime," said Sakeni.

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