Monday, January 09, 2012

‘Sata's sense of urgency on corruption will enhance accountability'

‘Sata's sense of urgency on corruption will enhance accountability'
By Misheck Wangwe in Kitwe
Mon 09 Jan. 2012, 13:56 CAT

PRESIDENT Michael Sata's renewed sense of urgency in fighting corruption will enhance accountability in the management of national resources and lead to economic development, says Professor Henry Kyambalesa.

Commenting on the performance of the PF government in its first 90 days, Prof Kyambalesa, a US-based Zambian academician at Regis University in Denver, Colorado, said the PF administration had introduced more positive changes over a short period of time which the MMD completely overlooked for 20 years.

He said it was gratifying that the Republican President was leading by example in his administration's quest to stem reckless spending of public resources.

Prof Kyambalesa said the public media in Zambia was freer in their operations than they have ever been since independence in 1964 and was able to highlight various corrupt activities that had hindered national progress.

"I totally support the creation of a tenth province called Muchinga Province, and the relocation of the provincial capital of Southern Province from Livingstone to Choma. Also, the re-naming of Livingstone International Airport, Lusaka International Airport and Ndola International Airport after comrades Harry Mwaanga Nkumbula, Kenneth David Kaunda and Simon Mwansa Kapwepwe. This is certainly a welcome development considering the trio's extraordinary contribution to our beloved country's political independence.These are some of the positive things happening under the PF government," Prof Kyambalesa said.

He said the decisions leading to the abolition of all primary healthcare fees, an upward review of the minimum wage from K419,000 per month, and an increase in the PAYE tax-exempt threshold from K1 million to K2 million were commendable.

Prof Kyambalesa said the government must this year aggressively bolster job creation through heightened promotion of both private-sector investments and small business ownership by reducing interest rates, corporate taxes and value-added tax.

He said the move would make it possible for individuals and companies to keep more of their hard-earned incomes for investment, savings and consumption.

"Other priorities of the new government must include investments designed to improve the transportation infrastructure, improvements in garbage collection and disposal, improved socio-economic conditions in rural areas, speedy rural electrification, working cooperatively with utility companies in reducing water charges and electricity tariffs, and sustained protection of the fragile natural environment. These are the issues Zambians would like to see addressed," he said.

Prof Kyambalesa said the government must relentlessly pursue lasting peace and stability within Zambia and the African Union, as well as foster sound relations between countries and all peace-loving nations worldwide.

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