Monday, February 06, 2012

ADD supports Sata's stance on corruption

ADD supports Sata's stance on corruption
By Fridah Nkonde in Ndola
Mon 06 Feb. 2012, 12:59 CAT

ALLIANCE for Democracy and Development Copperbelt Provincial information and publicity secretary Charles Kaputula says President Michael Sata's stance against corruption is something that every Zambian should expect from a genuine, powerful and visionary leader like him.

And Kaputula says ADD is happy with the procedure used in choosing members of the constitution technical committee. In an interview, Kaputula said President Sata's fight against corruption was not only targeting former leaders or opposition members but even those in the government.

"It is such an encouraging thing to us the Zambian because it is evident that the President will not condone any corrupt activities. President Sata's fight against corruption is not only aimed at pleasing a specific group of people but it is for the poor Zambians," he said.

Kaputula said the country could only talk about development when there was no corruption.

He said ADD entirely supported the PF's fight against corruption because in their manifesto, corruption fight was the main issue before development.

Kaputula said people in government should also be investigated, adding that they too needed to prove to the nation that they were not corrupt.

"President Sata is not choosing who to investigate. What he is interested in is just fighting corruption. Zambians are suffering because of those few individuals involved in corrupt practices," he said.

He said those found wanting were going to face the law because they had enriched themselves enough at the expense of the poor Zambians.

Kaputula said there was need to have those people who stole money in the previous government face the law.

And Kaputulua said it was clear that there was no segregation in choosing people to review the constitution.

He said there was no need of having too many people to review the constitution like it was in the past.

"We are very happy about it because this is what we expected from him (President Sata). We will keep supporting that which is right. If the PF government does something wrong, we shall be available to criticise," Kaputula said.

He said the President had so far proved that he could do much more for the country considering his style of governance.

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