
Thursday, February 02, 2012

Cabinet Office corruptly re-engaged Chipoya - Sata

Cabinet Office corruptly re-engaged Chipoya - Sata
By Staff Reporter
Thu 02 Feb. 2012, 14:01 CAT

PRESIDENT Michael Sata says Alfred Chipoya was corruptly and irregularly re-engaged by Cabinet Office as his Senior Private Secretary in the transition when he was preparing to take office after the September general elections.

In a statement by his special assistant for press and public relations George Chellah yesterday, State House learnt that then president Rupiah Banda terminated Chipoya's contract as Principal Private Secretary in 2008.

"The Presidency wishes to clarify that Mr Alfred Chipoya is no longer a member of the Presidential staff at State House. State House separated with Mr Chipoya on 24th January 2012 upon discovery that he was corruptly and irregularly re-engaged by Cabinet Office as Senior Private Secretary during the transition when President Michael Sata was preparing to take office after the September 20, 2011 general elections," reads the statement.

"President Sata did not re-engage Mr Chipoya and was surprised to learn that he now had a new contract as Senior Private Secretary. The President has since revoked this purported appointment and asked Mr. Chipoya to immediately vacate office."

Chellah informed the civil service and the general public that Chipoya could no longer represent the presidency.

"Those who may deal with him must understand that they are engaging him in his personal capacity and State House will not take responsibility of any such dealings. State House has opted to confine itself to this specific subject matter; leaving the rest of the issues that are being raised in the media to Mr Chipoya to make clear to the general public," according to the statement.

According to sources, former secretary to the Cabinet Dr Joshua Kanganja facilitated Chipoya's appointment as Senior Private Secretary at State House.

As per procedure, the matter was referred to the Public Service Commission who engaged Chipoya on contract.

Sources last week revealed that President Sata relieved Chipoya of his duties for alleged corruption after he tried to facilitate a meeting between the President and former operators of the Zambia Revenue Authority (ZRA) border scanners.

Last week the government terminated the contracts given to Bradwell International and Cargo Scan to manage border scanners.

This was after the ZRA Commission of Inquiry recommended that appropriate action be taken against former president Rupiah Banda and 13 former government officials for the fraudulent procurements regarding the border scanners and concession related contracts.

Sources said officials from the companies tried to arrange for a meeting with President Sata last week, through Chipoya, so that they could explain their position and possibly seek a reversal.

But Chipoya said some people do not want him to serve President Sata.

He said he had not received any warning or reprimand and did not know the companies involved in the ZRA scanners.

And Wynter Kabimba said Chipoya's sacking was a warning to those in government that PF would not tolerate corruption.

Kabimba said: "It is true that Mr Chipoya was getting money from a named company under the pretext that he was going to get those people to come and see the President and tried to give an impression that the President or Presidency could be compromised through his contacts with those people."

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