
Friday, February 03, 2012

Cadres hamper civil service efficiency, says Mutesa

COMMENT - Professionalisation and independence of the Civil Service is the way forward. It would make so many more projects possible if they are free from political interference.

Cadres hamper civil service efficiency, says Mutesa
By Kombe Chimpinde
Fri 03 Feb. 2012, 14:01 CAT

THE infiltration of political cadres into the civil service suffocates service delivery and ultimately leads to non-performance of government, says Dr Fred Mutesa. Dr Mutesa, who is leader of the Zambians for Empowerment and Development, said it was important for the PF to delink itself from the civil service by all means.

"Appointing cadres into the civil service hampers efficient service delivery and ultimately leads to non-performance of government. It's too early for PF to take that route in the light of promises they made on the need to restore professionalism in the civil service as cadres turn to appease the appointing authorities at the expense of service delivery," he said.

"Such leads to compromise of professionalism especially where these people do not have the necessary qualifications because people of Zambia expect much from the new government."

Dr Mutesa said the appointment of party cadres into some civil service jobs was worrying.

"To revamp professionalism in the civil service, government would need to come up with criteria for upward progression. This will require special training for those being enrolled in the service and creation of an impartial board by the Public Service Commission to scrutinise all appointments," he said.

"The civil service must be a permanent institution even when there is a change of government. It must have an objective criteria for progression and they must also be proper job evaluation based on performance."

Dr Mutesa urged the government to reverse all politically-motivated appointments to the public sector.

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