
Tuesday, February 07, 2012

Chirundu, Itezhi-tezhi leave S/Province

Chirundu, Itezhi-tezhi leave S/Province
By Bright Mukwasa
Tue 07 Feb. 2012, 13:01 CAT

PRESIDENT Michael Sata has with immediate removed Chirundu and Itezhi tezhi from Southern Province and added the districts to Lusaka and Central provinces, respectively.

But UPND chairman for elections Ackson Sejani says it is unwise to remove Chirundu from Southern Province and put it to Lusaka. Meanwhile, President Sata has appointed Evans Chibiliti as Secretary to the Cabinet subject to ratification by Parliament.

He has also appointed youth and sports permanent secretary Teddy Mulonga as deputy secretary to the Cabinet in charge of administration.

In a memorandum to Chibiliti, President Sata directed that a government gazette notice be issued to move the recently created Chirundu district from Southern Province to Lusaka and Itezhi-tezhi district to Central Province.

President Sata consequently directed that the Surveyor-General moves in quickly to align the boundaries of the two districts on the new provinces to which they have been re-located.

President Sata said the re-alignment was part of his robust programme to give practical expression to the decentralisation programme and eventual devolution of power to districts.

"In line with our government policy guided by the Patriotic Front manifesto, we consider local government as a central feature of the party's broader aspiration of a well devolved power structure where decision-making processes are as close as possible to the people," President Sata said in a statement issued by his special assistant for press and public relations George Chellah.

He said the decentralisation policy would only show results once practical steps are taken to properly position both geographical and administrative systems.

"It is a fact that a district such as Itezhi-tezhi is difficult to administer and pose huge logistical problems to be serviced because it is poorly located from the central administration point in Southern Province," President Sata said. "For instance, to efficiently access Itezhi-tezhi, people have to pass through Lusaka and Central provinces. It is for this reason that this government sees an urgent need to discontinue this sad scenario which has denied our people the much needed development for many years now."

President Sata said the move to re-align the districts was in a bid to improve service delivery and public administration.

But Sejani, during a press briefing in Lusaka yesterday, said the decision to move Chirundu and Itezhi-tezhi from Southern Province to Lusaka and Central provinces, respectively could only be from a person who has a hidden agenda beyond what had been explained.

"Chirundu is historically, culturally, economically, politically part and parcel of Gwembe Valley that stretches from Chirundu to Livingstone. It would therefore be unwise to suggest that Chirundu is moved from Southern Province. This will not be allowed to happen in a democratic dispensation," Sejani said.

He also said the proposal to move Itezhi-tezhi from Southern to Central Province would disorient the local people.

"Imagine what will become of Southern Province if Chirundu is taken to Lusaka Province and Itezhi-tezhi to Central province, meaning the Kariba and new Itezhi-tezhi hydro-power stations will be removed from Southern Province. These boundary schemes are meant to deny some provinces of key revenue sources after devolution of power," he said.

Sejani advised President Sata and the PF administration to appoint an inclusive delimitation commission so that national consensus is achieved in the process of decentralisation.

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