Sunday, February 12, 2012

Cops seize goods at Kunda's farm

Cops seize goods at Kunda's farm
By Bright Mukwasa
Sun 12 Feb. 2012, 11:50 CAT

POLICE have seized assorted goods from George Kunda's farm in Serenje, as part of the ongoing investigations. But Kunda, who is former republican vice-president, said he deserved some kind of respect from the police having served as their acting commander-in-chief of the armed forces.

Central Province police commissioner Dr Solomon Jere said the move was part of the continued investigations into property that was suspected to have been corruptly obtained.

Dr Jere said police in Serenje in an operation that was conducted yesterday in the morning seized 15 bicycles, two ploughs, two hammer mills and two sewing machines.
He said they also seized one bale of blankets, 46 bags of mealie-meal, and 10 hand cycle pumps.

"We also recovered RB (Rupiah Banda) campaign materials including two Nissan light trucks, then the third one they have followed it up. I am told it is somewhere in Serenje. In Kabwe at police headquarters we have got three. That brings the total number to five which are believed to have been used by the former ruling party," Dr Jere said without revealing how much the goods are worth.

"These were recovered from both Serenje Central and Muchinga constituencies. What we are doing are just preliminary investigations if there is nothing wrong then these will be released to the owners."

But Kunda said police's decision to go to his parent's farm in his absence was harassment.

"My father had a stroke. They went there to harass them parents at 05:00 hours. They went to search the village. I left some six bicycles for my parents to use at the village. Also they saw some old bicycles of people passing by in the villages they starting collecting. They got, I am told 15 bicycles, six plus the other bicycles they say now they have seized bicycles as part of plunder of national resources," Kunda said.

He said the seized bags of mealie-meal were meant to give to the needy and also for consumption at his village.

Kunda said he was disappointed that as former vice-president, he was not being accorded any respect.

"Now my complaint is whether they like it or not, I used to be vice-president of this country. I used to act as president of this country, commander-in-chief of the armed forces, surely I expect some kind of respect from these people. I used to be their commander-in-chief and they can harass my parents in that manner? They search the village, it is me they are targeting, and in my absence they start searching the village," he said.

"They are talking about three vehicles, I don't know where they got those vehicles from. I don't have any vehicles at the village. I enjoy some kind of immunity, but this is how they are treating me?"

Kunda said President Michael Sata was setting a bad precedent, saying the people he had put in the forefront to fight corruption were messing up his name.

"I am on the same level like him President Sata and this is how he is treating me? He's treating me with no respect whatsoever. Surely I expect some kind of respect. Now the man who is giving these instructions is Dr Solomon Jere and the Inspector General of Police Dr Martin Malama since they are working together they are tarnishing the image of the President because this is all witch-hunt. You seize household goods and you say you are fighting corruption? Is that the fight against corruption they are talking about?" asked Kunda.

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