
Wednesday, February 01, 2012

(HERALD) GMB boss slams Biti

COMMENT - The MDC is sabotaging agriculture by underfunding it. Clearly they don't have any confidence in Zimbabwean farmers failing on their own. They want to declare the land reform program a failure, so they can reverse it. Typical TEA Party tactics.

GMB boss slams Biti
Wednesday, 01 February 2012 00:00
Zvamaida Murwira Herald Reporter

Grain Marketing Board general manager Mr Albert Mandizha has slammed Finance Minister Tendai Biti for failing to pay inputs suppliers on time for the summer season. He said this had seen only 32 percent of total inputs for the 2011/2012 season being delivered to date.

Mr Mandizha said Treasury left it until late into December to conclude procurement facilities with suppliers. Giving oral evidence before the Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on Agriculture, Water, Lands and Resettlement, Mr Mandizha said the acute shortage has attracted a huge outcry from farmers. The committee was interested to know why farmers were failing to access inputs.

Mr Mandizha said suppliers had delivered US$8 million worth of inputs under the stop-order facility. The facility was expected to deliver US$18 million worth of inputs.

He said GMB was still receiving compound D fertilizers because of delays in payment.

"We are inundated with enquiries as to when inputs are coming. The fertiliser supply is desperate and causing serious inconveniences to farmers," he said.

Muzarabani South MP, Cde Edward Raradza (Zanu-PF) questioned the rationale behind giving a single farmer 1 600 bags of fertiliser in January.

Goromonzi North MP, Cde Paddy Zhanda (Zanu-PF) asked GMB's strategic role on advising the Government to make sound decisions.

Mr Mandizha said while they proffer technical advice to Government, they were duty bound to comply with orders. He said they were directed to "immediately" distribute inputs, and to them, this meant opening depots during public holidays since time was running out.

"It was raining and we said no one should go on holiday, the directive was to be implemented immediately. GMB should be commended for working throughout the holiday," he said.

The GMB management has since ordered depots to furnish its head office with details of beneficiaries with a view to establish whether there was any abuse or not.

Cde Zhanda asked how the producer price is justified when some farmers would have secured inputs at subsidised prices. He questioned GMB's continued distribution of fertiliser when the season was almost over.

Mr Mandizha said farmers tended to ignore inputs from the open market waiting for subsidised ones from Government.

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