
Friday, February 03, 2012

(HERALD) MDC-T stalling new constitution

MDC-T stalling new constitution
Friday, 03 February 2012 00:00
Zvamaida Murwira Senior Reporter

MDC-T has been accused of stalling the constitution-making process after its Members of Parliament failed to attend a Constitution Select Committee meeting yesterday,
citing the absence of co-chairperson Mr Douglas Mwonzora, who was attending a criminal court case.

Zanu-PF and MDC legislators turned up for the meeting and proposed that the meeting proceed but MDC-T lawmakers present objected saying they could not attend the meeting in the absence of their leader, sources close to Copac said. Copac is reviewing some chapters of the draft constitution with the support of a technical committee.

Calls for them to nominate an acting co chairperson just as another co-chairperson, Mr Edward Mkhosi of MDC had seconded Senator Believe Gaule to stand in for him fell on deaf ears, according to sources.

Co-chairperson, Cde Munyaradzi Paul Mangwana, of Zanu-PF declined to comment saying he would not be drawn into discussing other political parties.
MDC-T deputy co-chairperson in Copac, Ms Jessie Majome, confirmed the development.

"The meeting was deferred to tomorrow (today) because there was no quorum. There was no quorum because some MPs from all political parties were not present," said Ms Majome.

Asked if they would have agreed to proceed with the meeting in the absence of Mr Mwonzora if the meeting had constituted a quorum, Ms Majome said that would not be possible.

"Co-chairpersons are playing an escalated role and clearly it would not have been possible to proceed with the meeting when there was no quorum of co-chairpersons," she said.

Ms Majome said the timing of the arraignment of Mr Mwonzora was wrong when Copac was at a critical stage "over a case that is alleged to have occurred long time ago in 2005."

"It's not about the absence of MDC-T, but the absence of co-chairperson, it (the arrest) is very inconveniencing because they play a very critical role particularly where they are now," she said.

Copac recently announced that drafters had completed a preliminary proposed draft of 18 chapters based on the issues that were agreed upon.

Before this, Copac said, drafters completed four chapters based on information given to them by the Select Committee.

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