
Friday, February 03, 2012

Kunda accuses government of bringing socialism

COMMENT - George Kunda should be preparing his defense, instead of spouting off in the media. The MMD left a giant mess for the PF to fix, so they are no one to start giving advice to anyone. I hate the idea of randomly dismissing something a specific person says, because I always take in information from many diverse sources. However, I am sick and tired of the self serving lies coming from the crooks and dirtbags of the MMD. George Kunda tried to put Chansa Kabwela in prison for outing hospital conditions and sending photographs, which he then tried to have prosecuted as 'pornography'. He is also photographed handing out brown envelopes to villagers during the election time. Holding multiple positions at the same time in the government, he was as corrupt as they came.

Kunda accuses government of bringing socialism
By Allan Mulenga
Fri 03 Feb. 2012, 14:01 CAT

GEORGE Kunda has accused the government of bringing socialism ideologies into the country's governance system. And Kunda, who is the former Republican vice-president, has maintained that Vice-President Dr Guy Scott's continued stay in the office is illegal. Speaking to journalists yesterday, Kunda said the government had no policy direction in its governance system.

"We have seen that the PF government is now pursuing its own cause, there is no continuity now. What we have now is like we are now following socialist policies of nationalisation. The PF government in its manifesto, it's clear that they espouse socialism, scientific socialism, or communism. This is what they are trying to bring to Zambia," he said.

Kunda said the outcome of the commission of inquiry into the sale of Zanaco, currently sitting, was predetermined.

"These outcomes are predetermined, they just move in as a smoke screen. The President has already made a decision to nationalise Zanaco, so these commissions, if they have already decided they are just a waste of taxpayers' money. We can as well just nationalise these banks. We know that it is about nationalisation, they are just moving from Zamtel to Zanaco and they will move to the mines also. Nationalisation of the mines and major industries because this is the socialist government," he said.

Kunda said contrary to the submission to the inquiry by David Chewe, a financial advisor to the technical committee of the commission of inquiry into the sale of Zanaco, that there were no documents to show that Rabo Bank paid US$8.25 million to acquire the undervalued 49 per shares in the bank, records were for everyone to see.

"Well, this thing happened a long time ago. So, from 2007 we are out of government, we need to look at the records to see whether what they are saying is the correct thing. But if people have got a political agenda, they can make such statements. These things were even explained in Parliament, we used to debate it in Parliament. How can you say there is no record?" he said.

Kunda said the PF government policies were unpredictable.

"With us our policies were predictable, the PF policies are not predictable. Each time the President wakes up, he makes pronouncements of one sort or another and this cannot instil confidence for long-term planning because most of their measures are ad hoc," he said.

"Districts are promulgated every week, there are new districts. We don't even know the boundaries of those districts. So, the whole situation is chaotic to say the least."

And Kunda said Dr Guy Scott was just masquerading as the Vice-President.

"Guy Scott should vacate office instead of wasting our time. He does not qualify to hold the position of vice-president. What I am telling you is the legal position. When he (President Sata) went to the AU African Union he (Dr Scott) was never appointed to act as president, but there he is masquerading as Vice-President of this country. The earlier he leaves instead of wasting our time, let him vacate office, so that people who qualify can take over this particular position and on this one I have got the support of even some PF members," he said.

Asked whether he has rescinded his earlier decision to seek judicial review over the matter, Kunda responded: "Our options remain open and at some stage we shall hammer him with a court process. I am not playing games. I don't want to play games; just tell him that this is the very serious matter. We don't want to have a constitutional crisis in this country."

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