
Wednesday, February 08, 2012

(LUSAKATIMES) Finance Minister Alexander Chikwanda not aware of any MMD printed fake K3.1 trillion

Finance Minister Alexander Chikwanda not aware of any MMD printed fake K3.1 trillion
TIME PUBLISHED - Tuesday, February 7, 2012, 8:06 pm

Finance Minister, ALEXANDER CHIKWANDA has said that he is not aware of any fake three trillion Kwacha allegedly printed by the MMD ahead of the general elections in September last year.

Mr CHIKWANDA who was answering questions from journalists at state house initially refused to be drawn into making a statement but later asked the press if they had seen any fake kwacha in circulation.

Commerce Minister, BOB SICHINGA issued a statement last week alledging that the MMD printed three trillion kwacha to buy votes. But Mr CHIKWANDA asked Journalists to investigate the matter and establish if their are fake Kwacha notes in circulation either in the city or in rural areas.

Mr CHIKWANDA also announced that the Bank of Zambia has alert printers about Zambia’s intentions to print new notes. He said the printers will have to bid for the exercise adding that unlike the previous regime the PF government will go through the Zambia Public Procurement Authority.

Mr CHIKWANDA also dispelled fears that the creation of new districts will derail budget planning. He said that the realignment of the ministries will not affect budget execution for the affected ministries.

Mr Chikwanda has told journalists that funding to the ministries will be done in line with the already approved budget and that the ministry of finance will not release any supplementary funding to the realigned ministries.

Mr. Chikwanda has also clarified that the printing of the new currency will be funded by the Central bank and not the government saying Bank of Zambia has its on resources for such an exercise.

The minister was reacting to concerns raised about failure by the government to include in the budget an allocation for the printing of the rebased kwacha.


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