
Thursday, February 23, 2012

MMD threatens to expel pro-PF MPs

MMD threatens to expel pro-PF MPs
By Bright Mukwasa
Thu 23 Feb. 2012, 12:00 CAT

THE MMD has threatened some of its members of parliament with expulsion from the party for voting with PF over the election of the Speaker of the National Assembly Dr Patrick Matibini and for supporting the ratification of Director of Public Prosecutions Mutembo Nchito.

According to an internal memo dated 22 December, 2011 obtained yesterday addressed to all members of parliament and signed by MMD national secretary Major Richard Kachingwe, the party had observed with disbelief the treacherous conduct of some of its members of parliament against the very principles of the party that sponsored them.

"It has now been decided forthwith that failing to adhere to an agreed party position with the leader of the opposition and the MMD Whip shall constitute a serious offence under our party disciplinary regulations and may result in expulsion from the party, "read the letter in part.

"You are therefore to take heed of this timely warning."

According to inside sources, the memo was prompted by the voting pattern exhibited by most new MMD parliamentarians who were being perceived as pro-PF.

The source said the party got incensed after it failed to marshal the numbers during the voting for Speaker of National Assembly despite the scrutiny that it subjected members of the opposition to.

"Most new members were upset and very disappointed with the memo. You know NEC wants to control our voting by threats but most members have refused to bend. We have said we shall support all progressive policies of the PF," one MMD member of parliament said.

"And those that have been voting for PF in the House have suffered isolation, that is why even when they go for their petitions, no senior member of the party turns up to support them. We pay K1million as contribution to the running of the secretariat and this is what we get. Some of us have been paying petition legal fees out of our pockets."

The source said they were told that the manner they debated in parliament was like they did not represent an opposition political party.

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