
Friday, February 24, 2012

(NEWZIMBABWE) Tsvangirai vows to block Mugabe election push

Tsvangirai vows to block Mugabe election push
24/02/2012 00:00:00
by Gilbert Nyambabvu

PRIME Minister Morgan Tsvangirai vowed Friday to block a push by President Robert Mugabe to hold new elections this year insisting political reforms must be completed to ensure the poll outcome is not disputed. "Only after the necessary reforms have been implemented with the president and I agree on the date of elections," Tsvangirai told a press conference in Harare.

“I agree with the President that we have cowards who are afraid of a poll. Cowards refuse to implement reforms that will result in a free election.
“Cowards beat up people to coerce them into supporting them.

“Cowards are afraid of facing me in an election. Their best bet is to field a tired candidate because they believe he is the only one who can stand against Morgan Tsvangirai.

The MDC-T leader’s remarks came after Mugabe insisted in interviews marking his 88th birthday this week that he would call new elections this year.

Mugabe claims the coalition administration is no longer workable and has expressed frustration with delays in the writing of a new constitution, one of the key reforms parties to the coalition deal agreed must be completed before new elections can be held.

But Tsvangirai accused Zanu PF cabinet ministers of stalling the reforms but said he would not be pushed out of the shaky power-sharing government.

"I want to assure everyone, yes we have had to bear with frustrations but thank goodness we are made of sterner stuff. No one is going to push us out," he said.

Tsvangirai also accused Mugabe of breaching the country’s constitution by unilaterally reappointing police commissioner-general Augustine Chihuri.

The Zanu PF leader recently defied his coalition partners and extended Chihuri’s contract arguing that as commander in chief of the security services he did not need to consult anyone.

"I don't know why the appointment of security chiefs was being discussed. How were they appointed in the first place? They continue to be appointed by those who appointed them in the first place,” Mugabe said in an interview with state media.

"This is an important issue to do with national security. It is an issue that rests with the President only. The President is the Commander-in-Chief of the Zimbabwe Defence Forces.”
However, Tsvangirai said Friday his party would not recognise Chihuri’s reappointment.

“The Police Service Commission which according to the Police Act, must be consulted in the process of the appointment of the Commissioner General has not been re-constituted,” he said.

“The President’s re-appointment of Augustine Chihuri is therefore contrary to the unambiguous dictates of the Constitution.

“I have made it clear to the President that he is in breach of the Constitution and that I and the party I lead will not recognise Chihuri’s appointment as legitimate.

“He is a party appointee. This is nothing personal, but it has everything to do with abiding by the laws of the land.

“Let me put it this way. We have a President who indicates left and turns right.”

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