
Tuesday, February 21, 2012

PF government is incoherent, says Pande

PF government is incoherent, says Pande
By Allan Mulenga
Tue 21 Feb. 2012, 11:59 CAT

THE government is not delivering to the people's expectations, says Kabinga Pande. In an interview, Pande, who is former foreign affairs minister, said the PF had been incoherent in the running of government.

"There has been too many forward and backwards decisions by the government, incoherence by the government; what one minister will state, the other one will state otherwise. A number of promises were made and the only promise that has been fulfilled is continuation with donchi kubeba which implies don't tell the truth," he said.

Pande, who is MMD Kasempa member of parliament, accused President Michael Sata of making personal decisions without consulting various stakeholders.

"Zambians are analysing, I am sure you have heard, you in the private life, as you go round, people are complaining. The youths are saying that bana ti gonga they duped us... ati more jobs, more money, but there is nothing in that direction, you know," he said.

Pande claimed that chances of the MMD bouncing back to power were high going by the governance system of the PF government.

"Of course, we the MMD might have had faults here and there. Nobody is perfect and when you are many, you cannot all be perfect. We have a lot of chances coming back," he said.

Pande accused the PF government of going into unplanned expenditure items such as establishment of districts and commissions of inquiry.

He also urged justice minister Sebastian Zulu to quickly reveal the budget for the technical committee members drafting the Zambia constitution.

"The advice is that he should quickly put something in place so that Zambians know how much we are going to spend on it because the money is not coming from an individual, it's public money. Every Zambian is contributing, they must know how much we are going to spend. Even on these commissions of inquiries, do Zambians know how much they are spending? How much are they paying? And he says that they are debating on how much allowances they must be getting, but is he telling the truth that they are not being paid allowances? If they are not being paid allowances, how are they been able to move around?" wondered Pande.

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