
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Reinstatement of abuse of office clause is non-negotiable - Shakas

Reinstatement of abuse of office clause is non-negotiable - Shakas
By Kombe Chimpinde
Wed 29 Feb. 2012, 09:50 CAT

JONAS Shakafuswa says only those with intentions to defend corruption and corrupt elements will oppose the reintroduction of the abuse of office clause. Shakafuswa, the former deputy finance minister, who hinted the MMD's intention to remove the clause from the statutes in 2010, said the issue of reinstating the clause was non-negotiable.

He said posterity would judge those who would stand opposed to the re-introduction of the clause removed from the statutes by the Rupiah Banda regime.

Lunte MMD member of parliament Felix Mutati disclosed recently that opposition members of parliament would soon hold a caucus to decide on whether or not to support the re-enactment of the abuse of office clause.

The government has promised to re-instate the clause that was thrown out by the MMD-dominated parliament in 2010.

Shakafuswa said only those with intentions to defend corruption and corrupt elements would do so.

"It's (clause) a tool for reminding leaders that they have to lead with honour instead of manipulating their offices to enrich themselves, like the former first family was manipulating tender board to enrich themselves. That's not the spirit of entrepreneurship," Shakafuswa said.

"That is a spirit of theft so the spirit of entrepreneurship should not be mistaken for corruption or taking advantage of government contracts which disadvantages others in competitive environment."

Shakafuswa said the absence of the clause had paved way for opportunistic corrupt elements because the system was not left to run autonomously.

"We need section 37 to curb the excesses on the part of leaders or those in authority on what they are able to do and what they are not able to do. This adds to good leadership and it is one of the reasons why the MMD decided to remove it," he said.

"I hope the opposition is going to support. I also hope the government puts the matter on the table as soon as possible and see if they can put it to work from the time it was removed so that even those who recently abused their offices can be brought to book by the same token."

Shakafuswa said people like Mutati who were businessmen would be disadvantaged if those in government used their powers to give government contracts to their children and friends.

The government is working towards the reinstatement of the abuse of office clause which was removed from the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) Act.

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