
Wednesday, February 01, 2012

Retired magistrate comes to Kambwili's defence

Retired magistrate comes to Kambwili's defence
By Mwila Ntambi in Kitwe
Wed 01 Feb. 2012, 13:59 CAT

ZAMBIA went ‘mad' and therefore needs ‘mad' people to turn it around, according to a Kitwe-based retired magistrate Chinyemba Kambanja. And Kambanja has urged the government to ensure that labour laws are not adhered to by foreigners only but also local investors including the government itself. In an interview, Kambanja commended labour minister Chishimba Kambwili for his efforts to ensure that Zambian labour laws are enforced and adhered to.

"Many a time we have pieces of legislation that are just lying around but the previous government had not bothered to implement them. Remember that if the law is not invoked, it will be deemed to be dead and people will not recognise it," Kambanja said.

He added that it was the government's responsibility to ensure that laws were implemented and that Kambwili had taken a step in the right direction. On public concerns that Kambwili lacks diplomacy in handling labour issues, Kambanja said treating people with kid gloves would not change anything.

"Well, you see I think there's nothing diplomatic about this thing you know. If I may use this word loosely…Zambia went ‘mad' and we need ‘mad' people to turn it around. I am using the word mad in inverted commas not that he's mad, no! But we need people who are pragmatic. Treating people with tender gloves will not work and that is exactly what is happening," said Kambanja.

He added that even if it were a Zambian who invested in another country, they would be required to fully comply with the labour laws in that particular country.

He said there was nothing wrong in asking foreign investors to adhere to the Zambian labour laws.

And Kambanja implored Kambwili not to just concentrate on visiting work-places run by foreigners but also those operated by Zambians.

He observed that most Zambians especially those working in private schools were subjected to poor conditions of service and did not even have security of tenure.

Kambanja also advised the government to take a leading role in ensuring that its own employees were properly remunerated.

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