
Sunday, February 05, 2012

Rupiah accuses cops of lies over Henry

Rupiah accuses cops of lies over Henry
By Mwala Kalaluka
Sat 04 Feb. 2012, 13:00 CAT

RUPIAH Banda says his family is hurt by the investigations going on against them. And Banda, the former president, says President Michael Sata's government should be left to fail on its own.

Meanwhile, former mines minister Maxwell Mwale was yesterday arrested and charged with the offence of theft by public servant involving 20 bicycles meant for small-scale miners in the Eastern Province.

Addressing some MMD cadres that went to express solidarity with former first lady Thandiwe Banda who was appearing before a combined team of government investigators at the former Task Force offices in Lusaka, Banda said his family was hurt by all the investigations targeting family members.

However, Thandiwe did not appear at the former Task Force on Corruption offices in Lusaka's Woodlands area for the interrogation relating to money for the Mpundu Trust but was instead taken to Police Force Headquarters at around 09:57 hours.

After hearing that there were cadres that were waiting for Thandiwe at the former Task Force on Corruption offices, Banda went to address them in the company of former tourism minister and current Mafinga MMD MP, Catherine Namugala.

"Of course we are hurt by all this sort of thing. But I hope, you know when you are a president bakunamiza boza banthu bambili. So, ningo mpempera Mulungu kuti a Sata abagwile amene abanamiza boza when you are a president so many people tell lies against you. So I am praying that President Sata will find out those peddling these lies," Banda said. "He will find out one day, and I know he will deal with them.

"Banama boza they are lying that they're investigating, akuti that they're in touch; Henry this, Henry this, ni boza zonse it's all lies. When the President finds out one day, I hope he will do the needful. Nobody has ever contacted Henry."

The duo's address was punctuated by shouts of Dr Nevers Mumba's coined don't kutina don't fear slogan, to which Banda responded with several thank yous.

Namugala said the solidarity that the cadres, who were however not dressed in any party regalia, had expressed was an indication that they still loved their party president Banda and his wife.

"Thank you, now listen my fellow women, listen, let us move together. Our mother, Mrs Banda, is not coming here and she has gone to another place where she is being interviewed," Namugala said in Chinyanja.

"Please forgive us we did not know of that arrangement, because had we known we would have informed you but you have already shown that you really love her."

And Banda said his wife was not alone where she was being interrogated and that she was in the company of her lawyers.

"Tionga zikomo kuti abapasa ulemu kuti afuno baciita interview mucisinsi mwakuti aonese monga kuti ni muntu analakwa cintu cili conse. Ti onga zikomo kuti abalola kuti bakabaone privately, bapita na ma lawyers, pamene bapita sibali beka we appreciate that she has been accorded respect by interviewing her in privacy and she is with the lawyers there," Banda said.

"Chifukwa cake na amai, na anzanga bonse tamvwana kuti iyai tiyeni pakuti bantu ba fika kale bakatione; kuti tionga zikomo zimene mwaticitila that is why we decided with our mother Namugala and my other friends that we come here and express our thanks over what you have done for us."

Banda said the general elections were now over and the PF government should be left to fail on its own like an impotent person.

"Nifuna ni peleke mau akuti ma elections anata. Poyamba paja, anati iyayi simungacite arrange election muzatibela. Sitina abele bana wina, tinabapasa monga ngomwa zibakange beka I want to say the elections are over. Initially they were doubting that we could not arrange the elections, you will steal the votes. We did not steal for them, they won and we handed over to them, like an impotent person they should fail on their own," said Banda as one cadre shouted, zabakanga kale they have already failed.

"Ife cimene citidabwisa m'malo mwakuti bazikondwela mwamene mulilipano, bazipita, baziimba and so on; acita ngati niokapilika. Lomba kuti muna wina mukalipilanji? Gwilani nchito!

Ehe, tiyeni tione amene agwira bwino ncito, iwo olo ife. Osati tizingodonsana masiku onse, eeh tiyeni ku Police what is surprising us is that instead of being happy like you gathered here they look angry. Now how can you be angry when you won! Just start working, yes, let us the hard workers between you and us, instead of dragging people to the police every day."

Banda said he would not leave the MMD because when one's time to leave office comes they knocked off.

"My heart with you the people of Zambia and wherever I go I don't say I will leave the MMD. Every person knocks off and it is up to them to choose a party to belong to," Banda said.

"For now I want to go and wait somewhere in case I may be required by the investigators. Don't be worried because not a single bad thing will happen. Like all the people in Zambia, we are going about our work with respect for the sake of national unity. We want peace in our country, we don't want suffering, no."

Asked what the impact of his wife's appearance before the law enforcement agencies was, Banda said Thandiwe was a citizen like any other citizen.

"She is innocent, so there is nothing to run away from," Banda said.

On the police looking for his son, Henry, Banda said the law enforcement agencies were liars.

"They're actually lying. Yesterday I said he Inspector General of Police Dr Martin Malama was silly. Now I want to tell you that they're lying; they've never even approached this poor boy and he has never been to Kenya," Banda said. "He was last in Kenya, if you heard the BBC yesterday, he was last in Kenya six months ago. So anawenye amudala enena kuti ali ku Kenya so the man saying he is in Kenya is a liar. We have all heard it, he's not in Kenya."

Three minutes before 10:00 hours, Thandiwe arrived at Force Headquarters in the company of her lawyers, Prof Patrick Mvunga and Sakwiba Sikota. She appeared before investigators for close to two hours before she was sneaked out of the premises to avoid journalists that wanted to interview her.

Combined investigative team spokesperson Charity Munganga-Chanda told journalists that an ordinary statement had been recorded from Thandiwe over the operations of the Mpundu Trust.

"We have interviewed the former first lady, Mrs Thandiwe Banda and she cooperated very well with the investigators. The interview was in connection with the running of Mpundu Trust," Munganga-Chanda said.

"Yes, she spoke. The investigations are still going on so I am not in a position to give you the details now. But just know that she was talking in connection with the operations of Mpundu Trust. We just recorded a statement but not a warn and caution, just an ordinary statement."

And the combined team of government investigators arrested and charged Mwale with the theft of 20 bicycles meant for small-scale miners in the Eastern Province.

Munganga-Chanda confirmed that Mwale, an MMD member who lost his Malambo parliamentary seat last week following the High Court's nullification of his election, would appear in court next Wednesday.

Munganga-Chanda said the value of the bicycles was about K5.5 million.

"He is currently on police bond," said Munganga-Chanda.

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