
Sunday, February 05, 2012

Sata realigns 3 ministries, detaches labour from sport

Sata realigns 3 ministries, detaches labour from sport
By Bright Mukwasa
Sat 04 Feb. 2012, 13:01 CAT

PRESIDENT Michael Sata has with immediate effect detached labour from Chishimba Kambwili's portfolio.

In a statement issued by his special assistant for Press and Public Relations George Chellah, President Sata, who has realigned the ministries of sports, information, tourism and foreign affairs, said he made the changes to curb statements that had the potential to alarm the nation and investors alike.

Kambwili now only remains Minister of Sport and Youth.

"I would like to direct that the portfolio of tourism be transferred to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the labour portfolio be transferred from youth and sport to Ministry of Information. It shall be known as Ministry of Information, Broadcasting and Labour," President Sata said.

"As a government, we have to be level-headed and not be seen to be inciting the public. I expect ministers to discourage strikes and lock-outs. Strikes or industrial unrests have a very negative effect on a fragile economy like ours. The same applies to lock-outs."

President Sata said if not careful, some of the alarming statements had the potential to destroy the little the country has or the little strides it had made economically so far.

He said the government knew that there were numerous short-comings in almost all sectors, but they would not be addressed through threats and being loud-mouthed.

Kambwili has recently made statements against investors, especially the Chinese, saying he would not tolerate anyone who abuses Zambian employees as long as he is labour minister.

In Ndola last week, Kambwili, who was recently moved from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs allegedly after complaints from diplomats, ordered the deportation of a Chinese medical officer at SinoZam Hospital for calling him rude.

And during the Kwacha Good Morning Zambia programme on Sunday, Kambwili said Chinese Ambassador Zhou Yuxiao could not intimidate him over his remarks on Chinese investors.

Kambwili explained that while he was on the Copperbelt inspecting some selected companies to check on workers' conditions of service, he was shocked by the treatment he got from one company run by a Chinese investor.

He said later, Ambassador Zhou even phoned the acting President, Alexander Chikwanda to complain that he (Kambwili) was intimidating Chinese investors.

Kambwili had said he was disappointed with some Chinese investors who were exploiting Zambians.

But Ambassador Zhou said it was unfortunate Kambwili had blown out of proportion the incident which occurred at Sinozam Friendship Hospital where the minister exchanged bitter words with the chief medical officer Xisheng Qin over workers' conditions of service resulting in the revocation of his work permit.

Ambassador Zhou, who asked the government to clear up the matter, said he was on holiday the time the incident happened.

"The minister is making groundless accusations on me. I was not even in town when the incident took place. I was in Kariba, then Livingstone showing my visiting daughter and my son in-law around…showing my daughter around to enjoy the beauty of your country. I only heard about the incident at Sinozam (Friendship Hospital) much later. I did not react because I understand he (Kambwili) has been making statements everywhere, anywhere so I had no reaction towards that," he said.

"I believe a responsible government will come out and say something because I did not say a single word and I did not make calls to anyone apart from he himself and I was told his phone was off, unfortunately."

Ambassador Zhou said that it was unfortunate that Chinese investors were still being portrayed in bad light in Zambia.

And President Sata said Zambians expected the government to handle the problems facing the country with sobriety.

"I am alive to the fact that most of my colleagues that have been appointed as ministers have no experience in these portfolios.

"Therefore, I strongly feel it's my duty to protect the image of the party, the government, the people of Zambia and the economy in general," he said.

"In my statement of 30th January, 2012, I enjoined and cautioned ministers not to make statements that did not reflect government policy or which had not been referred to and cleared by Cabinet.

"Statements on the economy made by ministers that are not the competent channels for the issues they raise are damaging to our credibility as a country. Policy consistency is a compelling need for all governments all over the world. As my very final warning, I ask all the ministers not to lead me into temptation."

President Sata has since directed the acting Secretary to the Cabinet Evans Chibiliti to proceed with all the necessary procedures and immediately implement the changes.

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