
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Nawakwi calls for clarity on decentralisation policy

COMMENT - Real decentralisation is the way to go. Of course that would take some investment in capacity building at the local government level. Which means a Windfall Tax. This is the cost of not taxing the mining sector.

Nawakwi calls for clarity on decentralisation policy
By Kombe Chimpinde
Wed 29 Feb. 2012, 09:50 CAT

FDD leader Edith Nawakwi says the re-alignment and formation of new districts was not in itself devolution of power from the central government.

In an interview, Nawakwi, who finance minister in the Chiluba regime, challenged the government to clearly state its decentralisation policy to make various stakeholders buy into it.

She said the formation of new districts and re-alignment of others without consultations, a clear plan and programme for decentralisation would only end at creating agony and confusion among stakeholders.

"What the government must be telling us is what the policy is. Isn't there any direction which has been put on the table for people to discuss?" she asked.

"The mere fact that government is creating districts is not decentralisation. Decentralisation means delegating financial and political management to the district, devolution of political and economical power to the districts. If you go to the council, they are waiting for the central government to support them. I have been a student of economics, we always have a plan, you put money to a plan. You also need to have a strategy."

She said President Michael Sata's re-alignment of districts without a clear roadmap, sensitisation and consultation among stakeholders was creating anxiety.

"People are rebelling because they don't understand what the government wants. So we first make people understand and if people don't agree to the system because they do not understand it, they will not support it," said Nawakwi.

The government has embarked on realignment of districts and created an additional province, Muchinga, in its efforts to devolve power from the traditional central government system of governance.

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