
Tuesday, February 07, 2012

(TALKZIMBABWE) No blood diamonds in Zimbabwe - Kimberley Process

No blood diamonds in Zimbabwe: Kimberley Process
Posted by By Our reporter at 6 February, at 22 : 13 PM

THE newly-elected Kimberley Process Certification Scheme chairperson Ambassador Gillian Arlette Milovanovic said Zimbabwean diamonds are not ‘blood diamonds’ and are conflict-free.

The KPCS chair assumed her new role when her country, the United States, took over the chairmanship of the KP. Western-sponsored NGOs’ have branded Marange gems blood diamonds. This latest statement will deal a blow to their efforts to sanction Zimbabwean gems. Ambassador Milovanovic said Cote d’Ivoire was the only country dealing in conflict diamonds in the world.

Responding to questions from the media, Ambassador Milovanovic expressed happiness that trade in blood or conflict gems was on the decline.

“At the present moment, I am told, the only country whose diamonds are fitting within the definition of conflict diamonds is Cote d’Ivoire. And that represents, overall, far less than one percent of all diamonds,” she said.

She hinted that a redefinition of ‘blood diamonds’ was long overdue and she might use her two-week old tenure to change the term, among other things.

“I would say that overall, yes; the organisation is looking, for examples, at its core objectives and core definitions. That would include the definition of conflict diamonds.

“Now where that will go remains to be seen, but the goal, certainly, is to look at, is there a need to make some changes – breadth, depth, whatever – and then look at what that might – what those changes might be,” she said.

Ambassador Milovanovic said the KPCS went through difficult times certifying Marange diamonds given the anti-Zimbabwe lobby’s allegations of violence at Chiadzwa.

“As to the difficulties and what we propose to do, I choose to look at things as now we’re in a pretty good place, because precisely, there have been enormous difficulties over the last two years, at least. The process went through great difficulty determining how to deal with the question of diamond exports from Zimbabwe, given (alleged) violence and other matters.

“I would say that consensus and seeking consensus is going to be the biggest part of the job. The Kimberley Process, as many probably know, is a combination of government, industry, and civil society,” the new KP chair.

She said the KPCS was established to stem the flow of conflict diamonds that were funding rebel groups in many hotspots, particularly in Africa.

“It is a process that operates by consensus, and therefore, seeking consensus, fostering the ability to come together and to make decisions in order to move the Kimberley Process forward, is going to be a critical element for the United States this year.”

The US has unilaterally imposed sanctions on Mbada Diamonds and Marange Resources, even though the KPCS granted the firms permission to sell their gems on the international market.

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