Sunday, February 05, 2012

(TALKZIMBABWE) Malema found guilty, suspended from ANC

Malema found guilty, suspended from ANC
Posted by By Our reporter at 5 February, at 06 : 47 AM

Julius Malema, the ANC’s outspoken youth league leader, has lost an appeal against his suspension from the party for “sowing divisions” and bringing the ANC into disrepute, and has been told to stand down as president immediately.

Mr Malema was told that his claims of bias by some members of the disciplinary panel which convicted him and suspended him from the party for five years were “naive and ridiculous”.

Cyril Ramaphosa, the business mogul who heads the appeals committee, added that Mr Malema’s claim that the ANC Youth League was independent of the mother party was “absurd in the extreme”.

The decision is a major setback in the career of the young firebrand, who made his name by backing Jacob Zuma in his 2007 battle to unseat President Thabo Mbeki.

More recently, he has made headlines around the world with calls for mine nationalisation and Zimbabwe-style land reform as the solutions to the country’s vast wealth gap.

He was found guilty in November of calling for regime change in neighbouring Botswana; unfavourably comparing President Zuma to Mr Mbeki, and storming into a meeting of senior officials.

He responded by accusing the disciplinary committee that ruled against him as being used to “settle political scores”.

His appeal was dismissed.

Malema fans sang and danced outside.chanting, ”Viva Juju! Viva!” to remark: “There is nothing wrong with what Malema did, he is fighting for us – he is our voice.

“We still want to nationalise the mines, the banks, the land – we want our world back, we want our country back for the blacks,” said one the protesters.

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