
Wednesday, March 07, 2012

Barotse report cites government interference in WP traditional affairs

COMMENT - Has anyone seen the map of the Barotseland Agreement? It includes parts of other countries, and strays well beyond Western Province. :)

Barotse report cites government interference in WP traditional affairs
By Mwala Kalaluka
Wed 07 Mar. 2012, 12:00 CAT

MISUNDERSTANDINGS between Nkoya chief Mutondo and the Barotse Royal Establishment are largely a reflection of government interference in customs and traditions of the people of Western Province, according to the Dr Rodger Chongwe commission of inquiry. But a Lusaka legal practitioner says the commission's recommendations are not only a disgrace but an affront to the spirit of national unity.

In its summary of conclusions and recommendations accessed by The Post, which are contained in chapter four of its report presented to President Michael Sata recently, the commission also concluded that there was lack of dialogue between the BRE and Mwene Mutondo.

The commission of inquiry notes that the misunderstandings that exist between the BRE and some tribes within the province could be resolved amicably between the royal establishment and the other parties, especially after the restoration of the Barotseland Agreement 1964.

The commission found that the frosty relationship between the BRE and the government stems from the abrogation of the Barotseland Agreement in 1969 and subsequent actions by successive governments not to engage in meaningful dialogue with the BRE.

"Further, the events of 14th January 2011 have worsened the relationship thus creating a lot of mistrust and resentment of central government among the people of Western Province," the report reads.

"This is not conducive to the promotion of good and democratic governance in the country."

The commission concluded that efforts by the current government, such as the appointment of a commission of inquiry into the Mongu riots and the engagement of the BRE and the people of Western Province to resolve the Barotseland Agreement restoration impasse were progressive.

The commission urged the government and the BRE to establish clear rules of engagement on the restoration of the Agreement.

The commission recommended that after the restoration of the Barotseland Agreement, government and the BRE should negotiate all contentious issues that may impinge the smooth implementation of the Agreement.

"The people of Western Province have a legitimate cause to demand self-governance and for a fair distribution of the national resources," the report reads in part.

"Although the demand for self-governance by the majority of the petitioners may be genuine given the extent of deprivation and frustrations experienced...there is room for constructive dialogue and corrective action to be taken as opposed to the province seceding from the rest of the country."

The commission further recommended that the Barotseland Agreement should be considered for inclusion in the ongoing Constitution review process as a matter of national concern.

But Lusaka lawyer Chimbeka Sakala says he agrees with PF Secretary
General Wynter Kabimba that it was an oversight on the part of President Sata to have given the chairmanship of the commission of inquiry to Dr Chongwe.

"In fact he should not have even sat on the commission," Chimbeka stated in a press release. "The recommendations of the commission are
not just a disgrace but an affront to the spirit of unity that the President has, since assuming office, endeavoured to foster."

Chimbeka said the 'public' expected a reasoned report that would reflect the feelings of Zambians as 'One Zambia, One Nation'.

"But what we have been given is a recipe of anarchy blatantly being perpetuated by a bunch of lawyers led by none other than Dr. Chongwe who proclaims that owing to age and seniority at the bar they are not bound to err," Chimbeka stated. "It is because of that misconception that Dr. Chongwe misdirected his fellow commissioners to overstep the scope of work they were mandated to undertake."

Chimbeka described the commission's recommendations as treacherous and that he was shocked that Dr Chongwe could assert that Kabimba's comments on the recommendations were outside his role as PF secretary general.

"The views he expressed reflected the policy of the party pertaining to the Barotseland Agreement," Chimbeka stated.

"The most logical thing to do is agree on the boundaries of Barotseland at the time of the Barotseland Agreement. Thereafter call for a referendum within the boundaries and the result will put to rest the issue of the Barotseland Agreement."

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