
Thursday, March 15, 2012

(GLOBALRESEARCH) NATO Proxies behind Syria Massacre

NATO Proxies behind Syria Massacre
by Prof. Michel Chossudovsky
Global Research, March 14, 2012
Press TV

Interview with Professor Michel Chossudovsky, Director of the Centre for Research on Globalization, Montreal.

"There’s ample evidence from official statements from the Arab League observer mission, from the Israeli media, that there are terrorist organizations involved in killing civilians and this, in a very cynical mode, provides the justification for the so-called international community to blame Bashar al-Assad when in fact these civilian casualties were ordered by foreign forces." (Michel Chossudovsky)


Moscow has accused the US and its allies of manipulating the UN Security Council and misleading the international community on Syria to provoke instability.
Press TV has interviewed Professor Michel Chossudovsky, Director of the Centre for Research on Globalization in Montreal, about the recent massacre of civilians in Syria which he says was ordered by foreign forces and provides other critical information on the incursion into Syria and the illegal role of NATO. What follows is an approximate transcript of the interview.

Press TV: Focusing on the situation in Syria I was referring to Kofi Annan’s mission, and he’s been saying he wants everybody to gather around the table through a political process; he wants to ensure that humanitarian access is open; that the killing of civilians is stopped. Now, that has clearly not happened yet. Why do you it has not happened?

Prof. Chossudovsky: It hasn’t happened because these civilian casualties are the result of actions undertaken by terrorist organizations linked to al-Qaeda. These terrorist organizations are also supported by foreign forces.

There’s ample evidence from official statements, from the Arab League observer mission, from the Israeli media, that there are terrorist organizations involved in killing civilians and this, in a very cynical mode, provides the justification for the so-called international community to blame Bashar al-Assad when in fact these civilian casualties were ordered by foreign forces.

It is what is called in intelligence parlance and I quote from the Pentagon, “a mass civilian casualty event” which “creates a useful wave of indignation”.

This last wave of killings is the result of armed gunmen, terrorists, mercenaries and in a very casual way it is then blamed on the Syrian government. I am not suggesting that the Syrian government doesn’t bear responsibility in this matter, but we must understand what are the underlying causes of this so-called protest movement.

We have Special Forces from Qatar; from Britain; from the US; from France, on the ground. And I quote from British military sources. The MI6, CIA, SAS and what are they doing? They’re training members of the Free Syrian Army.

If we want to resolve this crisis we have to start perhaps by a little bit of regime change in the USA. Secretary Clinton just a couple of weeks ago acknowledged in a very candid statement, which was on the State Department website, to the effect - this was in an interview - that al-Qaeda and other organizations on our terror list, that of the US, are supporting the opposition.

Now, if the US is supporting the opposition that means it is also supporting an opposition, which is integrated by terrorist organizations, which are on the US list and this is acknowledged candidly in an interview by Hilary Clinton.

Press TV: When we are speaking about the Russian initiative also supported by China, we’re hearing of a national dialog without pre-conditions, non-interference. Do you think that is going to be viable, that that is possible right now?

Because up until now Kofi Annan has also been speaking of a political process; however, it’s not been helping on the ground there. So, basically, how viable is the Russian initiative and why do you think the rest of the Security Council members were not for it and said it was not sufficient?

Prof. Chossudovsky: What I think is important is that Russia and China are confronting the Western military alliance in the Security Council exercising their veto and they are revealing what the mainstream media is not revealing.

They’re revealing the fact that this is not a protest movement. It is an insurgency supported by foreign powers.

Mind you, everything is couched in the language of diplomacy. If you start examining what is actually happening on the ground, this is already a war against a sovereign state where the representatives of NATO are on the ground - Special Forces training the rebels from Britain and France… and Turkish operatives.

I mean, several NATO countries are already involved in fighting government forces through these proxy mercenaries, which are paramilitaries paid and financed by the Western military alliance.

A few months again there was a report that NATO was actually recruiting mercenaries to wage their wars. In fact, they said that these were Islamic fighters - they were recruiting them, they were training them. And this was done in a program implemented by NATO headquarters in Brussels with the Turkish military.

And there have been various other initiatives, some of which now are very much in the open such as the presence of Qatari Special Forces, but as I mentioned, there are other Special Forces from the mainstay of the Western military alliance including Britain, France and of course Israel as well.

We are dealing with a war; we’re dealing with a military agenda. Syria is on the roadmap. This war has been prepared for years and years and years. What they want is to intervene in Syria in the form of a so-called "responsibility to protect' humanitarian mandate.

We have to put this operation in context because it is linked to previous intents on the part of the Western military alliance and Israel directed against Syria and I’m talking about the 2006 war against Lebanon.

Press TV: With the differences that we’re seeing at the international arena with Russia and China on one side and the rest on the other - Are these differences going to be bridged and how is this going to affect Syria?

Prof. Chossudovsky: That’s a very important question, it has to do with Eurasian geopolitics.

I’d like to come back on what you mentioned earlier about the statement by the Minister for Information, Dr. Adnan Mahmoud. I think this is a very important statement because first of all it pinpoints very clearly, and they’ve been very careful in the past to remain within the realm of polite diplomacy, but Qatar and Saudi Arabia are identified and also the media, the news channels of al-Jazeera and al-Arabiya are, and they say, accomplices in these heinous crimes.

I believe that the position of the Minister of Information regarding these crimes is documented to the extent that we know that these are terrorist organizations, which are supported by Western powers as well as by Saudi Arabia and Qatar.


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