
Monday, March 12, 2012

(HERALD) Farmers urged to complement Govt effort

Farmers urged to complement Govt effort
Monday, 12 March 2012 00:00
Felex Share Herald Reporter

Government programmes that contribute in the resuscitation of the economy.
Addressing hundreds of villagers at Rwizi Business Centre last week during the handover of nine bulls to the constituency, Cde Nguni said Zimbabweans should not rely on handouts and work hard to “drive” their economy.

The bulls are part of Zanu-PF’s efforts to restock the national herd. The Mhondoro-Mubaira cattle breeding programme has so far seen more than 72 bulls, of different breeds, being introduced in the area.

Makera Cattle Company, a firm specialising in beef production, is working with the farmers to produce top quality calves, in a programme expected to augment farmers’ income.

The company is providing the bulls.

“The country will only move forward if you support developmental programmes initiated by Government,” he said.

“Let us be masters of own destiny. You must not wait for handouts from donors but should strive and be donors yourself.”

Cde Nguni said cattle ranching was vital for the resuscitation of the economy and should be taken seriously.

“Every type of farming you do is a business.

“If we restock our national herd, it means our economy would have also been boosted,” said Cde Nguni.

“You should not take this programme lightly, as it is essential to our lives.
“Beef exports we used to have are no longer there because people are not taking cattle ranching seriously,” Cde Nguni added.

Cattle breeding, he said, would improve the quality of beef in the country and would also provide farmers with income.

Cde Nguni, who is also the Minister of State in Vice President Joice Mujuru’s office, urged the farmers to safeguard the bulls.

“Amongst us are thieves and cattle rustlers who may want to sabotage this programme but we warn that stern action would be taken against those found on the wrong side of the law,” he said.

“The project is meant for your benefit and you should treasure things that are vital to your life.”

Zanu-PF’s production and labour department is running a cattle-breeding programme that is headed by Cde Dzikamai Mavhaire.

Chief Rwizi said this was another phase of Land Reform, which should be supported.
“Ousted Commercial farmers realised a lot from cattle ranching and there is nothing, which can stop us from surpassing their levels,” he said.

“This is another stage of the land reform and everyone should support the programme.
“Do not politicise the programme because at the end of the day everyone benefits.”

Makera Cattle company representative Mr Max Makuvise said: “We hope the programme would cover all the wards in Mhondoro-Mubaira before we move to other areas in the country.

“We want to have a win-win situation with farmers and this can only be successful if the farmers compliment these efforts.”

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