
Thursday, March 08, 2012

(HERALD) ‘Go for value addition’

COMMENT - The solution is an export tax for tobacco not processed in Zimbabwe. Or diamonds, platinum, etc.

‘Go for value addition’
Sunday, 04 March 2012 00:00
Lincoln Towindo

Vice-President Mujuru has urged local companies to add value to their products for Zimbabwe to fully benefit from its resources. Speaking at a tobacco farmers’ field day at Glasara Farm in Mt Darwin yesterday, she said economic value is being lost to foreign-based manufacturers. She said adding value to minerals and agricultural produce would guarantee self-sustenance.

“The tobacco we sell at our auction floors is being sold for more per kilogram once it has been processed in other countries,” she said.

“During my time when I was Acting Minister of Agriculture, I was asked to officiate at the official opening of the tobacco selling season at a local sales floor.

“I was surprised to learn that the tobacco we sell at our floors at around US$4 per kg is being sold at over US$500 per kg once it has been fully processed in other countries such as China.

“Imagine how much we are losing when we also consider our losses in the mining and manufacturing industries.

“Value addition leaves farmers with disposable income and not just enough money to return to the field the following season.”

The Vice-President called on banks to support indigenous ventures.

She castigated some parastatals for charging exhorbitant fees for their services.
“I have said that Zinwa (Zimbabwe National Water Authority) needs to review its service charges for farmers who use irrigation.

“We have all observed over the years that their fees are punitive. Banks should come up with strategic plans that bring them closer to the people.

“They should start working on the establishment of village banks in order to facilitate smooth transactions between farmers and their markets.”

Speaking at the same occasion, Zanu-PF national commissar Cde Webster Shamu said party structures should organise themselves ahead of this year’s national elections.
“When we hold our intra-party elections, we should ensure that the leaders we elect are dedicated and organised,” he said.

“Some of our leaders have not shown any real organisation and, sometimes, even during elections in their districts.

“We should also ensure that everyone participates because this will reward us with a leadership that has grassroots support.”

The event coincided with the prize-giving ceremony for the country’s leading burley tobacco farmers.

Cde Wilfanos Mashingaidze of Glasara Farm scooped the first prize.

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