Sunday, March 04, 2012

Immense resourses needed for disaster mitigation - Scott

Immense resourses needed for disaster mitigation - Scott
By Moses Kuwema
Sun 04 Mar. 2012, 11:58 CAT

VICE-President Guy Scott says immense resources are required to create mechanisms that may mitigate disasters.

Speaking when he officiated at the Lions Club fundraising dinner at Pamodzi Hotel in Lusaka on Friday, Vice-President Scott said the mechanisms have to range from research and early detection or warning to management and alleviation of disasters.

"This exercise is enormous both in financial and human resources. This therefore, calls for concerted efforts by all. As you are aware, disasters are unpredictable and may occur at any time and in places unexpected," Vice-President Scott said.

He said through its efforts and resources, the Lions had managed to mobilise a total of US $30,000 between 2005 and 2010.

Vice-President Scott said the government stood ready to work closely with service organisations such as the Lions clubs in mitigating disasters.
He said the fundraising dinner themed ‘Disaster mitigation' was appropriate as it was in line with the objectives of the Disaster Management and Mitigation Unit (DMMU) which falls under his office.

"We are all aware that humanity world-over has undergone or experienced one sort of disaster or calamity. In the recent past the world experienced some major disasters, including what Japan, New Zealand and Haiti experienced," said Vice-President Scott.

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