
Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Magande urges all-inclusive government

Magande urges all-inclusive government
By Allan Mulenga
Wed 21 Mar. 2012, 11:59 CAT

NG'ANDU Magande says President Michael Sata should strive to lead an all-inclusive government. In an interview, Magande, who is National Movement for Progress party president, urged government to embrace everybody in its development agenda of the country.

"The criticism they are giving to the MMD actually also goes back to President Michael Sata because he was in MMD and to me that would have given him a chance to embrace everybody. You embrace people that are interested in the development of the nation. Not to say who has done what, so what and that would move this country forward," he said.

Magande said President Sata should rise above politics when making appointments in the public service.

"Once you become a leader of the country, you should look after all the citizens. Even those that perhaps were perceived to be your competitors during the elections, now that you are one, they will also want to give you respect and that respect must come with responsibility, good plans for developing the country. Whether it is agriculture or education, you should listen to them and you implement and those programmes that succeed, people will not say 'they came from the opposition'. You are the one who is implementing them and they will give you credit," he said.

Magande said contrary to PF secretary general Wynter Kabimba's sentiments that the party would take action against civil servants perceived to be pro-MMD, it would be difficult to tell who truly belonged to the PF.

"So you should use them opposition members as tools of developing their own region. So those people who were shouting in 2005 against MMD, you don't even know whether they are still shouting against MMD now," he said.

Magande observed that appointment of public officers by patronage would make the PF government fail to implement its programmes.

"One of the things that is going to make the PF government fail to implement its programmes is the issue of saying that 'we are only going to look after PF card carrying members'," said Magande.

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