
Friday, March 23, 2012

Marketeers threaten to stone Chinese in Choma

Marketeers threaten to stone Chinese in Choma
By Cynthia Phiri in Choma
Fri 23 Mar. 2012, 12:58 CAT

MARKETEERS at Choma's Makalanguzu Market have threatened to stone Chinese nationals who are operating wholesale and retail shops within the premises. The influx of Chinese businessmen has angered the marketeers who are accusing the Chinese nationals of being behind their loss of business due to the cheap products they are selling.

The marketeers who wrote a letter to the district commissioner Golden Nyambe complained that the Chinese had overshadowed their businesses, hence their failure to pay market levies to the council. They urged Nyambe to intervene in the matter, failure to which they would stone the Chinese and riot.

When contacted for a comment, acting town clerk Oliver Muuka said there was nothing wrong with the Chinese operating shops in Choma because they were enjoying the free market economy, provided they had the correct and valid trading licenses from the council.

But the marketeers argued that the Chinese needed to find a way of harmonising their pricing on goods so that they could both enjoy a good share of business.

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