
Thursday, March 08, 2012

MMD in leadership crisis, says Lienda

COMMENT - That is because the sole purpose for the MMD has become to keep it's membership in close proximity to the state's resources, and do whatever the IMF/World Bank tells them to do.

MMD in leadership crisis, says Lienda
By Roy Habaalu
Thu 08 Mar. 2012, 11:58 CAT

MMD is suffering from a leadership crisis, says Alfred Lienda. In an interview, Lienda, the former commerce, trade and industry deputy minister, said the MMD had reached a stage where leadership positions were free for all.

"There is a vacuum in the MMD and there is no proper control systems in terms of getting the party organised, everything is left to chance and we don't know who is supposed to do what," Lienda said.

He said those that should have provided the leadership were jostling to align themselves with big names in the party.

The MMD has indicated that it would hold an extraordinary convention at which a party president would be elected to take over from former president Rupiah Banda.

Five presidential hopefuls, among them MMD national youth chairman Moses Muteteka, former ministers Situmbeko Musokotwane, Felix Mutati and Kabinga Pande, and Zambia's former High Commissioner to Canada Nevers Mumba, are contesting the MMD presidency.

But Lienda said the MMD leadership under Banda was only interested in enriching themselves as could be seen by those under probe.

He said the majority in the party were disappointed with the lack of commitment and collapsing of party structures.

"During our time there was that sense of belonging, you just feel everything you were doing was yours and can spend your own time. Maybe that's why we went broke because we were working and sacrificed our own resources and we were in touch with the people, the spirit which is not there now," he said.

Lienda said the MMD had introduced good policies, including privatisation, which were mishandled by late president Frederick Chiluba.

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