
Friday, March 09, 2012

MMD left nothing to be proud of, says Kabimba

COMMENT - The PF hasn't even started to clean up the mess left by the MMD. Part of which would be to put Dora Siliya on trial for her corruption in the ZAMTEL saga.

MMD left nothing to be proud of, says Kabimba
By Moses Kuwema
Fri 09 Mar. 2012, 11:59 CAT

WYNTER Kabimba says the cancer of corruption that has been left behind by the MMD is the only impediment that the PF is facing in bringing about development in the country. And Kabimba said the Patriotic Front is not interested in corrupt business people and contractors.

Reacting to MMD spokesperson Dora Siliya's comments that the PF's honeymoon was over and they should stop blaming her party for the problems they encounter, Kabimba said the only blame that the PF was apportioning to the MMD was the seed of corruption, which they planted.

"The MMD planted such deep roots of corruption in this country in all our institutions of governance because that was their way of governing the country. And it is this cancer that we are putting right, right now. There is nothing else that we are blaming the MMD about and we don't even intend to blame them for anything. So there is no record which the MMD can be proud of that PF is apportioning blame to them because there is nothing that they left behind to be proud of," he said.

Kabimba said the PF had developed a programme for the country before they even got into government and they would ensure that its success.

"We need the civil service to drive the programme of the PF but if the civil service is going to remain steeped into this culture of corruption, our people will not get the right service from the civil service. Our people will not get the right programmes in delivering services to our people. We want to deliver good roads to our people. The MMD left a culture behind where they were compromising the quality of this delivery service," he said.

Kabimba said the former ruling party had left behind a culture of paying money to what he termed MMD acolytes and that this had compromised the standards of infrastructure.

"They were paying money to people that they thought were supporting MMD in form of contractors and they were compromising the standards, because they were sharing money the same ministers that were there. They compromised the standards of the roads, infrastructure that is the only problem that we have," he said.

And Kabimba said the PF was going to deal with genuine contractors who would ensure that the quality and standards of service delivery in the country improve.

He said they would not do business with contractors that were steeped into corruption with the MMD.

"They ought to know that this time around we want to deal with decent men and women in delivering services. I want to appeal to the business community and contractors that the PF government would like to work predominantly with Zambian contractors and business people but they must be decent men and women.

The ones that were bent into this culture of corruption with the MMD, we shall not work with them. That message must go to everybody loud and clear. We don't want their money, we just want their good service which they must render to the people of Zambia," Kabimba said.

Kabimba said the PF has never claimed to have been on a ‘honeymoon'.

He said the party started working when it was still in opposition.

"We started working when we were in opposition. We developed a programme, a socio and economic programme which is in our manifesto. There is no honeymoon and we have never claimed to be on a honeymoon," said Kabimba.

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