
Monday, March 26, 2012

Mutati sees Dora's attack as a ‘tackle from behind'

Mutati sees Dora's attack as a ‘tackle from behind'
By Chiwoyu Sinyangwe
Mon 26 Mar. 2012, 12:00 CAT

FELIX Mutati has described as a "tackle from behind" Dora Siliya's statement last week that the former commerce minister's globe-trotting contributed to MMD's loss in last year's elections.

Siliya, who is MMD spokesperson, last week said Mutati spent his time globe-trotting and living in luxury instead of campaigning for the MMD, hence the party's loss of the elections.

Siliya was apparently reacting to an earlier statement by Mutati that the MMD leadership got so consumed in the luxury of their offices and ended up losing the elections because they forgot about the people.

In an interview on Saturday, Mutati said Siliya's attacks on him showed the former ruling party was failing to deal with its post-election challenges, resorting to "the blame game".

"It is correct to say that all of us obviously, to varying degrees, should remain responsible for the loss that occurred in 2011 and no single person, however, great they may be should be heaped with the blame of the loss of the elections," said Mutati.

"As a party going forward, we must remain above individual references and attacks and remain focused on the various challenges and issues that confront the party. What our members are expecting from the leadership are not quarrels but providing solutions and hope for the revival of the party. Differences in any political party will always be there, some of them significant but we should at all times attempt to resolve such differences within the established mechanisms of the party and avoid finger-pointing because that works counter to the unity of the party and erodes the confidence that our members may have in its leadership. But this is a tackle from behind…"

And Mutati said the retirement of former president Rupiah Banda should provide the fallen party a chance to independently elect its new leaders to steer the party up to 2016 elections.

Mutati said the party expected former president Banda to completely stay away from the selection process of his successor.

"RB has retired and it is our sincere expectation that in his retirement, he will retain the role as a senior member of the party providing equity guidance and remaining well above individual personalities and politics, particularly in the selection of the leader," said Mutati.

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