
Monday, March 12, 2012

Only criminals are scared of abuse clause - Mutesa

Only criminals are scared of abuse clause - Mutesa
By Kabanda Chulu
Mon 12 Mar. 2012, 11:59 CAT

ONLY people with criminal mentality are scared to see the restoration of the abuse of office clause in the anti corruption Act, says Dr Fred Mutesa. And Ng'andu Magande has said the restoration of abuse of office clause will strengthen the government's fight against corruption.

Commending the PF government for making progress towards restoration of the clause, Dr Mutesa, who is president of the Zambia for Empowerment and Development (ZED), said the initiative was a positive development that would benefit the country.

"We support it since it will benefit every Zambian. Only those with something to hide are scared of this Bill because it is meant to catch law breakers and people who are transparent in the activities have nothing to fear, but those with criminal mentally will definitely oppose it," said Dr Mutesa.

"Actually, this is something we have been advocating for and there is no need to criticise government on this matter since it will help stop misuse of public resources."

And Magande, who is president for National Movement for Progress (NMP), said amendments to the ACC Act were welcome.

"Any government that would want to fight corruption, they first start with strengthening tools to help institutions (Anti Corruption Commission - ACC) that are fighting the vice and this is what government has done," said Magande.

"When the previous government removed the clause, we protested and expressed our views that there was nothing wrong with it especially that some of us worked for over 30 years in public service and we didn't see anything wrong with the clause."

Last Thursday, justice minister Sebastian Zulu tabled in Parliament the Anti-Corruption Bill which seeks to reintroduce the abuse of office clause and to strengthen the ACC in its quest to provide for the prevention, detection, investigation, prosecution and punishment of corrupt practices and related offences based on the rule of law, integrity, transparency and accountability.

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