
Thursday, March 08, 2012

PF honeymoon is over - Dora

COMMENT - The MMD has nothing to contribute to the national conversation. 'Their' (the IMF's) ideology is bankrupt, they are facing corruption charges, and many of them should be in prison. And now Doray Siliya, who received millions to corruptly sell ZAMTEL to the Libyan government, and contracted RP Capital Management (Dany Gertler) to do so, should be in prison for decades. The only hope she has is that everyone forgets about her. Apparently not, now she is lecturing the PF.

PF honeymoon is over - Dora
By Moses Kuwema
Thu 08 Mar. 2012, 12:00 CAT

DORA Siliya says the PF's honeymoon is over.

In an interview on Tuesday, Siliya who is Petauke member of parliament urged the government to stop blaming the MMD for every problem they encountered because the people of Zambia gave them the mandate.

"They gave the people campaign promises. Our role now is to remind the PF of the promises they made on their own so that they don't forget them and the Zambians can be heard," she said.

"We want to be a reasonable opposition that will give the right checks and balances to government. We respect that the PF won the elections but now also for them they had the 90 days and extra 90 days so now its six months in March so even for them the honeymoon is over."

Siliya said MMD's mourning following the election loss had ended and members were feeling energised.

She said the party had began a recruitment campaign.

"We believe that the battle for leadership in the party is on and if you recall, MMD went to parliament with 55 members of parliament compared to 60 of the PF. That is a reflection that there is a good number of people in this country that associate with the MMD," she said.

Siliya said the party's aspiration was to maintain the people that were associated with it and increase upon the same numbers.

She said the MMD still had a role to play in a democratic dispensation like Zambia's.

And on Chisamba member of parliament Moses Muteteka's suspension, Siliya was hopeful that the right counsel would be given in resolving his situation.
"I think that there are channels within the system for his grievance to be heard," she said.

Siliya said the priority of the party was not to chase its members but to maintain them and increase on the numbers.

"It is not to send away members. Unless under specific circumstances where you see that this member is not adding any value or is bringing indiscipline or dividing the party. We have processes that provide for an individual to be heard, so honourable Muteteka will be heard and Maj Kachingwe will be heard, then the party can make a decision," she said.

Asked if the rules of the party were followed in suspending Muteteka, Siliya responded: "I am yet to see clearly the actual position on this matter, but I think that in everything as you might understand, there are always provisions so it could be that there is a provision that provides for the national secretary to be able to write to a NEC member and that's why Maj Kachingwe used that position. The issue is internal and it will be resolved. We will see which one of them is wrong and then deal with it and find the best way forward."

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