
Tuesday, March 13, 2012

PF still has teething problems - Kabimba

PF still has teething problems - Kabimba
By Allan Mulenga in Lusaka and Mwila Chansa-Ntambi in Mufulira
Tue 13 Mar. 2012, 14:00 CAT

WYNTER Kabimba says the PF government has teething problems in finding a group of men and women that are going to drive its social and economic agenda. Meanwhile, Vice-President Dr Guy Scott says the PF government is cleaning out MMD cadres from civil and public service.

Featuring on Muvi TV's The Assignment programme on Sunday night, Kabimba, the PF secretary general, said not everybody in the civil service was a PF supporter.

"We have social and economic programmes that need to be driven by the civil service. Not everybody in the civil service is a PF supporter and this programme has to be driven by this group.

Yes, PF has teething problems, in terms of trying to find a group of men and women outside the civil service, within the civil service, that are going to drive this social and economic agenda in the interest of the Zambian people," he said.

Kabimba said the PF would take action against union leaders perceived to be pro-MMD.

He also defended President Michael Sata's decision to appoint to him and Willie Nsanda as Zamtel board members saying it was in line with their party manifesto.

"... like the government, parastals are bandages of the social and economic programme of the party. They are paid out of money appropriated by Parliament. So, the party has an interest to ensure that issues of corruption that we saw in parastatals under the MMD do not recur under PF," he said.

"But I am a professional, I am a lawyer. Willie Nsanda has his own experience in that sector, I was not picked because I am a party cadre. Yes, the party must be able to oversee parastatals, why? Because we are interested in the welfare of people in Zamtel."

And addressing PF cadres at Mopani Copper Mines offices on Sunday, Dr Scott justified the appointment of cadres into government positions.

"I want to assure you...and just in Parliament last week, somebody said 'why are cadres getting jobs?' I said who else is going to get the jobs?"

"I said we are all here in Parliament because of cadres and the reason I am standing on the government side is that my cadres are better than your cadres," Dr Scott said as PF cadres nodded in agreement while others shouted, "tell them!"

"So we have not forgotten. We have a struggle against the MMD people who are still in the civil service, who are still in the parastatals and who are still in one organisation or the other. We are cleaning them out, we are moving forward," he said.

And Dr Scott told the cadres that the government would treat Mopani management fairly because they were not unfair or mad people.

"We don't want to destroy the cow that produces the milk but we want to make sure that you get your share of the milk," said Dr Scott.
He said the PF wanted to run Zambia properly.

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