
Saturday, March 17, 2012

Police detain Kabwe PF cadres over rejected DC

Police detain Kabwe PF cadres over rejected DC
By Maluba Jere
Sat 17 Mar. 2012, 11:58 CAT

ABOUT 35 Patriotic Front members were on Thursday briefly detained by police in Kabwe after they protested against the appointment of Patrick Chishala as district commissioner because he is MMD.

The cadres went to the district commissioner's office where they chanted slogans against Chishala and police apprehended them and took them to the police station for questioning.

Police sources said the cadres were earlier warned to desist from making the district commissioner's work difficult, saying they would be arrested for conduct likely to cause the breach of peace.

The source said the cadres were protesting against the appointment of Chishala, whom they accused of reaping where he did not sow, alleging that he was MMD.

The cadres were angered after learning that Chishala had assumed office on Tuesday before a petition relating to his appointment which they took to the permanent secretary was dealt with.

The cadres were only released after two hours of being questioned and the intervention of senior party officials.

When contacted for comment, Central Province police commissioner Dr Solomon Jere confirmed that the cadres were briefly detained at the police station as a way of maintaining order.

Dr Jere said the cadres were protesting against the appointment of Chishala and that they had being talked to about not taking the law into their own hands.

"The thing is these people had made it clear that they would protest and we had agreed that they should use dialogue, but we were surprised that they started assembling unlawfully," he said.

"But after briefly detaining them, we spoke to them and they were all released."

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