
Monday, March 26, 2012

Politicians have opportunity to unite Zambia - Fr Chikoya

Politicians have opportunity to unite Zambia - Fr Chikoya
By Edwin Mbulo in Livingstone
Sun 25 Mar. 2012, 12:59 CAT

OUR political leaders have a very good opportunity to unite the country, says Fr Emmanuel Chikoya. Commenting on the deployment of soldiers and police officers in Mongu, Fr Chikoya who is the priest in-charge of the St Andrews Anglican Church in Livingstone said unnecessary heroes were being given room to rise.

"Why take soldiers for operations now in view of the Barotse National Council (BNC)? It should have been done some other time. Leadership is about dealing with issues in a wise manner. Leaders that have made it in life such as Jesus Christ made sober decisions. Our political leaders have a very good opportunity to unite our country, resolve the Barotseland Agreement and not rush to deploying soldiers," Fr Chikoya said.

Fr Chikoya said opposing views could never be eliminated by the use of a gun and this had been proven in many countries such as Afghanistan, Iraq and other countries in the Middle East.

Fr Chikoya said life was a very taxing commodity which needed to be treasured and made best value of.

He however said some people were taking advantage of the Barotseland Agreement of 1964 and were misleading people.

"Understandably, the whole issue is about underdevelopment and people are being misled in the process. Let us deal with this in a wise manner. Look at Libya, Gaddafi is out but what is happening? Look at Iraq. It is only peace that can bring peace. However, at the moment we seem to be losing that prospect," Fr Chikoya said.

The Barotse Royal Establishment Ngambela prime minister Wainyae Sinyinda on Thursday told The Post that the BRE was concerned that the government had sent a huge number of soldiers and police officers to police unarmed people that will attend the Barotse National Council in Mongu next week.

"We are concerned because what is surprising is that not even a single (one) of us is armed, except (with) our walking sticks," said Sinyinda.

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