Monday, March 19, 2012

Root out MMD cadres in government - Fr Luonde

Root out MMD cadres in government - Fr Luonde
By Agness Changala
Mon 19 Mar. 2012, 12:00 CAT

PROTESTS over President Michael Sata's appointments will continue as long as he tolerates MMD cadres in the public service, says Kitwe Anglican priest Fr Richard Luonde.

In an interview yesterday, Fr Luonde said the PF had not eliminated all the cadres who were running government under the MMD. He said it would be very difficult for President Sata to work with those who were close to his predecessors.

Fr Luonde said PF had appointed people who were serious MMD cadres and because of this action, there were protests all over the country, citing an incident in Kabwe, where PF cadres protested for the same reason.

"And in most parts of the country, protests are taking place. What PF should do is to engage itself seriously and try to look at the kind people that they would help them move this nation forward," Fr Luonde said.

"MMD cadres are still there in government and in their best interest, they would want to frustrate the efforts of the PF government and if it is overtaken by that, it will be at a loss on how to govern this nation."

PF cadres in Mpika also protested.

Fr Luonde said if the PF government did not sit down and seriously reflect and clean the civil service, they were bound to fail.

"All their efforts will be frustrated and this is the good time that PF should begin to move forward and examine their position," he said.

Fr Luonde said it was easy for PF to identify MMD cadres now because they know who was opposing them when they were in opposition.

He also said institutions such as the police, army, Prisons Service, Cabinet Office and all ministries, had MMD cadres likely to frustrate government efforts.

"The PF through its investigation network can know the people who were MMD and are still in government," he said.

Fr Luonde said if the PF government was going to use sympathy for the sake of it, Zambia would not develop.

"Let PF identify the new crop of leadership within the nation, especially those who have not participated. Let them be given chance, and chance could only be now before the PF is seen as a party which won't do anything," Fr Luonde advised.

He said the PF government should begin to seriously engage people to govern the nation and stick to their manifesto.

Fr Luonde said the PF government should critically look at the policy on youth empowerment, job creation, better health and education policies.

"…The above must be looked at seriously as it will enable people's trust in PF," said Fr Luonde.

"There are many technocrats who have not participated in governance and given a chance, they can do a good job."

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