
Thursday, March 15, 2012

Rupiah refuses to fund MMD convention

Rupiah refuses to fund MMD convention
By Roy Habaalu
Thu 15 Mar. 2012, 13:00 CAT

RUPIAH Banda has refused to fund the MMD's extra-ordinary convention, saying he has retired from politics. And Dora Siliya, who is the party spokesperson, yesterday announced that former Republican president Banda had stepped down as party president. Banda has handed over the party presidency to Michael Mabenga who will act until a new president was elected.

Well-placed sources disclosed that during a closed-door-meeting held on Tuesday evening, former president Banda complained that the only money he had was that held in the family account.

Sources said Banda said he had decided to lead a quiet and respectful life.

"So the provincial elections in Muchinga, Eastern, Central, Western provinces to elect new leaders have been postponed. We gave him the bill of K221 million to hold the extra-ordinary convention but he told us ‘I don't have money to give you. The only money I have is that in the family account'," the source said.

"He complained that ‘even people and friends that I know, those I used to talk to anytime have stopped funding us, they don't pick up their phones. I know why they are not picking up. I am not blaming them and they don't hate our party. No, they are scared of being victimised by the PF government because they are looking around who is financing MMD. We can't go ahead with provincial elections unless someone gives us money,'" sources quoted Banda as having told them.

The source said after reaching a deadlock on the source of funding for the convention, they learned that one presidential aspirant had volunteered to bankroll the event but was scared of being investigated.

"People like (former finance minister Situmbeko) Musokotwane are ready to put in close to K2 billion but he's scared that the government will follow him. He's ready to sponsor the convention but he doesn't know how to do it. So it was resolved that tomorrow (Wednesday) during the National Executive Committee (NEC) meeting they would know how much had been fundraised," said another source.

Sources said talking points for the former president's farewell speech had been prepared to NEC members.

Sources said Banda had been invited in America to give lectures on African democracy and politics for two months.

"When he comes back he will find the convention is over and will just hand over the instruments of power to the elected president," sources said.

On his retirement, sources said Banda wondered why the party failed to defend him whenever the government accused him of active involvement in politics when he retired after losing.

"He's saying that he wrote a letter to resign from MMD and active politics long time ago when he lost the elections. He says letters are there at the secretariat. So he's no longer in active politics. He said this is nonsense. He can't continue. He needs the money he worked for. Rupiah said he didn't want to be seen frustrating President Sata's programmes and that he should work freely. He said ‘we want to show him that we are more civilised than he was because he was always insulting us'," sources said.

Siliya also announced that Banda had stepped down as party president.

"I will to report that as you recall on the 23rd September, our president Rupiah Banda addressed the nation saying that after the loss of MMD in the last election, he was retiring from politics. I wish to announce that today, he actually also stepped down as the president of the party of the MMD. For more details on this matter president Banda will be holding a press conference tomorrow at his residence at 08:30 hours and you are all invited to attend this press conference so that you can hear his words and also have an opportunity to be able to ask him questions," she said.

Siliya said according to the party constitution, the chairperson of the Party, Michael Mabenga would act as president.

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