
Saturday, March 24, 2012

Sata's visit to India raises speculations

Sata's visit to India raises speculations
By Roy Habaalu and Moses Kuwema
Sat 24 Mar. 2012, 13:00 CAT

UPND members have been jubilating over President Michael Sata's health condition and his trip to India. But PF secretary general Wynter Kabimba wondered how long it would take for the UPND to realise that banking on President Sata's death for them to ascend to power was a wish in futility.

And Vice-President Dr Guy Scott yesterday told Parliament that President Sata's visit to India was a planned private one and described speculation about his ill health as ‘nonsense'.

Well-placed sources said there was excitement in the UPND following President Sata's trip to India because they believe the President was unwell.

"We warned the people of Zambia that President Sata was not fit, and unwell and will not complete his term of office. He's a sick man whose return we doubt because the operation he's undergoing is serious and chances of survival are fifty-fifty. Most of our members are happy because this gives us an opportunity to lead the country," one UPND senior member said.

Some of the members said President Sata should not have contested the September 20 elections because he knew his health was failing.

And UPND Southern Province vice-chairman John Chidyaka said President Sata's trip to India left room for speculation.

He said it was wrong for the President to leave the country without telling the nation what he had gone to do and how long he would be away.

"We need to know so that we know whether he's gone to bring investors or what. Going secretly will make people think otherwise and some will start preparing for elections because we are told he's unwell and anything can happen. When one travels, people can pray for you, otherwise people may start preparations. Why go in secrecy?" he asked.

Chidyaka said people of Zambia needed to know what the President had gone to do in India.

But Vice-President Dr Scott said he personally knew about the trip about a week ago.

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