
Saturday, March 10, 2012

Scott defends DCs appointments

Scott defends DCs appointments
By Roy Habaalu and Bright Mukwasa
Sat 10 Mar. 2012, 12:59 CAT

VICE-President Guy Scott has defended the appointment of district commissioners, saying those appointed are competent and hard working. During the Vice-President's question and answer session in Parliament on Friday, Dr Scott said it was distasteful for opposition members of parliament to make derogatory remarks against people appointed as district commissioners.

This was after UPND Siavonga member of parliament Kennedy Hamudulu said the PF government had gone off-track by employing inexperienced political cadres as district commissioners.

"They (PF) have brought in cadres. Unfortunately sir, some of these have very humble education and no experience at all in administration, let alone in office cleaning. Now these have been given positions in high office. Is it government's position to spend public money on officers who are busy politicking rather than administering these offices?" asked Hamudulu.

But Vice-President Scott said he was shocked to hear an educated legislator make derogatory remarks on others.

"It's cadres who have put me and its cadres who have put the honourable questioner (Hamudulu) where he is and many of them have worked extremely hard and extremely competent. We are trying our best to put people who are serious minded and understand government policies in key positions such as district commissioner," Vice-President Scott said.

On the realignment of districts, Dr Scott said the process would necessitate cheaper administration of government services and resources to the people.
He was responding to MMD Mumbwa Central member of parliament Dr Brian Chituwo who wanted to know whether the relocation of districts was synonymous to decentralisation.

"From all I have heard, and I am a listening Vice-President, I haven't heard anybody defending it on the basis that it's decentralisation. I have heard people defending it on the basis that it's administratively cheaper, convenient and communications are faster," he said.

Meanwhile, Dr Chituwo said President Michael Sata was a listening leader who respected the opposition.

"I wish to first of all congratulate His Excellency the President who has a listening ear. He listened to the opposition's demands for the creation of the Ministry of Gender. I am an MP who stands for the people and I congratulate the President and yet the Executive were defending a defective position," said Dr Chituwo.

Vice-President Guy Scott also said President Sata was justified for refusing to be dragged into tribal politics of Southern Province due to the contradiction obtaining in the area over the realignment of districts.

Vice-President Scott was responding to the Mazabuka Central member of parliament Garry Nkombo who wanted to know if President Sata's comments was not violating the fundamental rights of the people of that area over their suggestions.

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