
Saturday, March 03, 2012

Scott explains why he doesn't act as President

Scott explains why he doesn't act as President
By Mwala Kalaluka
Sat 03 Mar. 2012, 11:59 CAT

VICE-President Dr Guy Scott says he does not act as president during President Michael Sata's absence from the country because he is barred by the Republican Constitution as amended in 1996. And sports minister Chishimba Kambwili yesterday annoyed Monze UPND MP Jack Mwiimbu after he described him as a confused person during debate in the House.

Responding to a question from MMD Mpongwe member of parliament Gabriel Namulambe on why he does not act as president in President Sata's absence, Vice-President Dr Scott said people like him whose parents were not born in Zambia were barred from standing for presidency following the 1996 amended Constitution.

"I was very greatly wishing that the former vice-president was going to take us to court so that we go and explain this issue," Vice-President Dr Scott said. "However, he prefers just standing behind the tree and throw stones."

Vice-President Dr Scott said former vice-president George Kunda knew very well that if he took the matter to court he could not win and he further said there was sufficient precedence over the issue.

"It's not a big deal in my opinion," Vice-President Dr Scott said. "I don't think that this House is the court of law that will determine this matter, anyway."

President Sata usually appoints finance minister Alexander Chikwanda to act as president whenever he travels outside Zambia.

And during the Vice-President's question time, Mwiimbu raised a point of order over Vice-President Dr Scott's response that he could not give the reason upon which President Sata based his realignment of the two districts because it was privileged information.

Mwiimbu asked if Vice-President Dr Scott was in order to hide behind the veil of privileged information when responding to concerns from MPs on the realignment of districts when Article 54 of the Constitution states that Cabinet was collectively responsible to Parliament.

But as Mwiimbu raised his point of order, Kambwili, who was seated at the front bench on the right side of the chamber audibly retorted: "wali fulungana iwe you are confused."

Opposition members of parliament immediately asked Speaker Dr Patrick Matibini to send Kambwili out of the House following his remark.

"How can he say I am mad!" Mwiimbu stood and asked the Speaker.

In his guidance, Speaker Dr Matibini started by asking members of parliament to respect their fellow MPs' right to free expression as they debate on the floor of the House.

"It is important that we conduct ourselves with utmost dignity," Speaker Dr Matibini said. "We have all been installed with the title of being honourable and therefore we must match it with our conduct."

Speaker Dr Matibini asked Mwiimbu to recast his point of order and in response Vice-President Dr Scott said he was not in the pocket of President Sata to divulge to the House why the Chirundu and Itezhi-tezhi districts were realigned from Southern Province to Lusaka and Central Provinces, respectively.

Vice-President Scott said Chirundu and Itezhi-tezhi could be administered conveniently from the places where President Sata had placed them.

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