
Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Unretired imprest should be criminal offence - AG

Unretired imprest should be criminal offence - AG
By Moses Kuwema, Maluba Jere and Namatama Mundia
Wed 14 Mar. 2012, 11:59 CAT

AUDITOR General Anna Chifungula says there is need to make unretiring of imprest a criminal offence so that culprits can be prosecuted. And the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) yesterday heard that the Ministry of Commerce, Trade and Industry had recovered from former deputy minister Dr Lwipa Puma's gratuity K11 million for fuel that was drawn for his personal-to-holder vehicle.

Speaking to journalists after the PAC hearings, Chifungula said the issue of unretired imprest should be treated as criminal.

"We should treat this imprest issue criminal because right now, as you heard the explanation, all they can do is recover and I am sure even the people that get those imprest, they know that all that will happen to me is recovery, which may not even happen because you are looking at very large amounts, which some people get," Chifungula said.

She said there had been an increase in outstanding imprest, saying in 2009 the figure stood at K21 billion but that in the 2010 audit report, it trebled to K77 billion.

"I think that shows that the actions that have been taken so far are too lax to make anyone fear to have that kind of imprest retired," she said.

Appearing before the PAC, commerce permanent secretary Stephen Mwansa said the fuel that was drawn from the general pool by the vehicle registration number GRZ 812 BX belonging to Dr Puma amounting to K11,213,028 has since been recovered from his gratuity which was paid on cheque number 01337 dated November 17, 2011.

He said Dr Puma was entitled to fuel allowance for his utility vehicle, but went on to draw fuel from the general pool for his personal-to-holder vehicle.

Mwansa said despite being informed about the irregularity, Dr Puma put pressure on the officers that he was a deputy minister.

Meanwhile, the committee members expressed concern at the issue of unretired imprest which kept re-occurring every year.

But Mwansa said outstanding unretired imprest amounting to K103,987,450 has since been retired and was available for the committee's verification.

PAC chairperson, Chipangali member of parliament Vincent Mwale, then wondered why the ministry had to wait for the Auditor General's office to visit them before they could recover the monies.

Mwansa then responded: "I will be at your mercy if this occurs again. I sit here begging your indulgence, I do accept that mistakes were made and I apologise on behalf of the ministry."

He said the ministry had taken measures to ensure that they do not appear before the committee talking about imprest.

Meanwhile, about 80 Judiciary workers have not retired imprest amounting to K290 million.

This is according to an internal memo from the Judiciary chief accountant Godwin Sakwimba to all members of staff.

The memo stated that the money was used for various activities by the workers whilst carrying out official duties.

The memo stated that about 80 members of staff among them magistrates, were required to retire the outstanding imprest by March 20, 2012.

Sakwimba warned that he would recommend to the chief administrator the recovery of the same through the payroll for those who will fail to comply with the directive.

Some of the unretired imprest relates to court witness fees, cause listing, court sessions in different towns, reporting to new station staff that have been transferred, refreshments ad election petition fees, among many others.

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