
Friday, April 20, 2012

Dr Mutesa notes efforts in attainment of Vision 2030

Dr Mutesa notes efforts in attainment of Vision 2030
By Roy Habaalu
Thu 19 Apr. 2012, 12:59 CAT

THE government has made key milestones in the attainment of the Vision 2030, says Dr Fred Mutesa. In an interview, Dr Mutesa who is president of Zambians for Empowerment and Development, said the current government's commitment to continue with the Sixth National Development Plan was part of the steps leading to the attainment of the vision 2030.

"I think there has been some key milestones that have been achieved particularly in the area of macro stability, inflation rate, interest rate. These are encouraging signs that we are creating conditions for sustainable economic growth," Mutesa said.

He said the planning process had been consultative and participatory at various levels that needed continuity for it to succeed.

Dr Mutesa said with the change of government, it was expected that the PF would come up with its own priorities.

"Those priorities however should not divert more from the general planning framework. If you look at what the PF government had said with regard to a number of key areas, they outlined health, education, agriculture and decentralisation and the fight against corruption, among the key areas of focus, all those are already applied in the plan," he said.

Dr Mutesa said what was worrying at this stage was the growth prospects for the economy.

He said the government had not done enough to woo foreign investors.

"It's clear that this economy will not perform to its optimal level without the involvement of foreign investors. I think what we need at the moment is to set clear policy directions, remove all uncertainties…," he said.

Dr Mutesa said much emphasis should be placed on job creation by prioritising the manufacturing industry.

"How many people have climbed out of the poverty trap? How many jobs are being created on an annual basis for the young population? Its growth without employment...We should look at the distributive aspect of growth; how we are sharing the national cake," said Dr Mutesa.

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