
Monday, April 30, 2012

(HERALD) Mozambican mercenaries in Zimbabwe

Mozambican mercenaries in Zimbabwe
Saturday, 28 April 2012 20:43
Itai Mazire

The United States government is suspected to be behind a covert operation that saw 34 Mozambican mercenaries sneak into Zimbabwe to receive military training before their deployment to Afghanistan.

Investigations by The Sunday Mail established the mercenaries will leave for the strife-torn nation this morning where they will receive further training before being deployed into the war zone.

A Zimbabwean national, Tonderai Chimwanza, is believed to have facilitated the recruitment of the Mozambicans who spent the week holed up at Simboti Lodge along Airport Road.

Chimwanza yesterday claimed that the 34 Mozambicans were recruited for demining purposes.

“All we are doing is looking for money, my brother,” he said.

“We are innocent people. A company called Egnetia based in Turkey has called us to carry out a demining exercise in Bagram and we are leaving tomorrow (today).

“We will be based in Bagram and our contracts are likely to end after four months. You might think that we are mercenaries, but we are not; we are going there to do our job,” he said.

Chimwanza was at pains to explain why the Mozambicans had to first come to Harare when they could have travelled to Afghanistan straight from their own country.
“Life is expensive in Mozambique and it would have cost us a fortune to travel from there, hence our decision to come to Harare,” he said.

However, sources last night disclosed that the Mozambicans have been receiving military training from some former soldiers with American links.

“These guys have been receiving some military training before being sent to the slaughter house.

“Security details have over the past week been keeping a close eye on their movements,” said a source.

The area Chimwanza claims they are going to demine is an airfield which has a dual runway, militarised airport and is located next the ancient city of Bagram.

The area is supervised by the United States Air Force 455th Air Expeditionary Wing.
Reports claim that there are Zimbabweans who are currently receiving military training in Afghanistan under the supervision of US Army-contracted companies.

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