
Monday, April 23, 2012

Kafue PF leaders condemn decision to privatise NCZ

Kafue PF leaders condemn decision to privatise NCZ
By Henry Sinyangwe and Allan Mulenga
Mon 23 Apr. 2012, 13:27 CAT

THE government's decision to privatise the Nitrogen Chemicals of Zambia (NCZ) is wrong and should be rescinded, according to Patriotic Front Kafue district leaders. And Dr Fred Mutesa says it is disappointing that the PF government has gone back on its promise of revamping NCZ.

Commenting on recent remarks by agriculture and livestock minister Emmanuel Chenda that the government's privatisation of NCZ was the ultimate solution for the plant, Kafue district chairperson Paul Banda in a statement jointly signed with district secretary John Ngwira stated that people were expectant that the PF government, once voted in, would provide employment and improve their livelihoods by revamping the plant.

He stated that if NCZ was privatised, benefits would not accrue to the Zambians but to the investors' countries of origin, a situation he described as unacceptable.

"Conversely, looking at the agriculture minister's statement, the expected generation of employment through revamping of NCZ will not occur but this will only happen in those countries where Zambia imports the products which are supposed to be produced by NCZ,'' Banda stated.

He stated that recapitalisation of the plant was a better solution as the duty of government was to raise funds to meet what Zambians needed.

And Lusaka Province vice publicity secretary Clement Katongo said the government's position that it cannot afford to revamp the NCZ operations because the undertaking was expensive and the only solution was to privatise it, showed lack of vision and proper planning.

He said it would be prudent for the government to employ initiatives other than privatisation as this had failed since 1998.

"NCZ was not built in one year but in many years, Katongo said. "Similarly, the minister employing a clear vision and objectives can spread the revamping of its operations in phases or stages, Katongo said.

He said NCZ was a viable and strategic industry for the country, which did not need privatisation but expansion of its capacity to generate products related to its explosive grade fertilisers.

"The government can consider giving NCZ to our security wings which can put it to good use due to its viability of explosive grade fertiliser," Katongo stated.

And Zambians for Empowerment and Development president Dr Mutesa urged Zambians to ensure that the country starts producing fertiliser locally.

"It is disappointing that the PF has gone back on its promise. But let's do something as a country to ensure that we are producing fertilisers locally because in the process, we will also create jobs for our people," he said.

Dr Mutesa said the country needed vibrant chemical engineering industries to strengthen the agricultural sector.

"I believe that Nitrogen Chemicals of Zambia was set up for that purpose. We also need to look at agriculture, that is the sector where the majority of our population is found. And if we improve and remove the bottlenecks that affect performance of the agricultural sector, then we are improving incomes in the rural areas, issues of marketing , timely supply of inputs such as fertilisers and payment of farmers on time so that they can plan properly. Those are cardinal issues that the PF government must critically look at," he said.

Dr Mutesa said the government should realise that fertiliser imports had been riddled with corruption.

"They need to give us the alternatives. So until we begin to produce locally and we have this infrastructure it might be old, but they must tell us what they intend to do with it," he said.

Dr Mutesa urged the PF government to explain how it would deliver on its campaign promises.

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