
Monday, April 30, 2012

KK has sacrificed so much - Sata

KK has sacrificed so much - Sata
By Masuzyo Chakwe and Abigail Sitenge
Mon 30 Apr. 2012, 09:00 CAT

PRESIDENT Michael Sata says Dr Kenneth Kaunda has sacrificed so much just to make Zambians be what they are today. And Dr Kenneth Kaunda suits and regalia have been launched in Lusaka.

In a special message on Dr Kaunda's 88th birthday which fell yesterday, President Sata stated that words alone could not put across the Zambian people's happiness as they joined Dr Kaunda and his family in these celebrations.

"You have sacrificed so much for our country just to make us who we are today - proud Zambians. It is gratifying to note that even in advanced age, you continue being the great compassionate citizen of the world we have always known," read President Sata's letter in part released by his special assistant for press and public relations George Chellah.

"Your Excellency, like you always remind us: ‘One Zambia, One Nation! Love thy neighbour as you love thyself.' We commit to these noble principles and guarantee that what you have taught us over the years will be our lead and guide."

President Sata further wished Dr Kaunda good health and prosperity.

"On behalf of the government of the Republic of Zambia, the people and indeed on my own behalf, I submit my warmest congratulations and best wishes to Your Excellency as you celebrate this great and befitting event. Wishing Your Excellency personal good health and prosperity. Happy Birthday Shikulu!" stated President Sata.

And South African High Commission to Zambia Moses Chikane says African leaders like Kenneth Kaunda are not only a blend but also the owners of the legacy that help in transcending from the past consumerism society to producers.

During the launch of Kenneth Kaunda Suits and Regalia at SBM Boutique (Manda Hill) in Lusaka yesterday, Chikane urged Africa to begin to create jobs instead of just being consumers .

"I think this initiative by the SBM is definitely relevant and it's something that Africans must explore. It's a very good innovative way of being able to produce own products and to consume them and differentiate amongst many in the world," said Chikane.

Dr Kaunda sang his trademark Tiyende Pamodzi song before giving his remarks, after which he sung romantic songs.

"I am 88 years young not old and quickly that girl there (Mama Betty) means a lot to me. Can I sing for her? I am only saying thank you to her because all the good things this young lady is talking about and managed to do without her support, guidance it would have been difficult for me to do. So I am grateful to all of you who have come… 88 years I'm still running, thank you."

And foreign affairs minister, Given Lubinda described Dr Kaunda as a true father who deserved more for the work that he had done.

Meanwhile, Simply Best Merchandise chief executive officer Sylvia Mwansa says Dr Kaunda's life was too rich too be condensed in words adding that Dr Kaunda did his part to give Zambia peace and freedom.

"Today marks a memorable day in the history of SBM investments. Our 10-year-plan has come to pass and the realisation that we are launching the Kenneth Kaunda Suits and Regalia. To us in our group, we are simply invoking the good will and fatherly love of the father of the nation."
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