
Tuesday, April 03, 2012

KK speaks on Barotseland

KK speaks on Barotseland
By Bright Mukwasa and Mwala Kalaluka
Tue 03 Apr. 2012, 12:59 CAT

DR KENNETH Kaunda yesterday called for genuine consultations among all parties involved in the Barotseland Agreement of 1964. According to a statement issued by the Office of the First President chief of staff Godwin Mfula, Dr Kaunda said the question of Barotseland Agreement 1964 needed the collective rational interaction and wisdom of the people of Zambia as a whole.

"In view of the imperative need for a purposeful and peaceful interaction with all stakeholders relating to the question of the Barotseland Agreement of 1964, His Excellence Dr Kenneth Kaunda, first president of the Republic of Zambia wishes to appeal for deep reflection, understanding, magnanimity and co-operation in keeping with the letter and spirit that characterised the resolve and the determination of the founding leaders of our beloved country, Zambia. He recalled that in the quest and resolution to achieve national unity, harmony and cohesion, they exhibited a rare sense of nationalism and patriotism to all common cause for the attainment of our cherished goal of One Zambia One Nation," Mfula stated.

He stated that as was reflected in the national anthem, they were inspired by a deep sense of unity and patriotism to their land, hence one land and one nation was their cry.

"He remains in constant prayer that the Lord God Almighty, will continue to bless Zambia abundantly and that the Lord will forever be our guide as we seek just and lasting solution to this issue. He has in this regard stressed the need for genuine consultations among all parties in order to ensure continued peace and harmony in our nation, " he stated.

He stated that Dr Kaunda sincerely believed that the people of Zambia had the capacity, will and the rationale to achieve a harmonious and peaceful resolution of the Barotseland Agreement of 1964.

Separately, police yesterday summoned managers at Mongu's Radio Lyambai Community Station and cautioned them that their broadcasts of the just-ended Barotse National Council amounted to treason.

Radio Lyambai station manager Mukeya Liwena said in an interview from Mongu yesterday that he was asked to avail himself before the police at Mongu Central Police Station yesterday morning together with his assistant manager, Joseph Namakando.

Liwena, who did not physically cover the BNC in Limulunga last week due to an illness, said he appeared at Mongu Police Station at around 09:00 hours.

Liwena said they were met by the Division Criminal Investigations Officer DCIO a Mr Mpande and Western Province deputy police commissioner Lombe Kamukoshi.

"They told us that what we were broadcasting from the BNC was treason and that we should desist from that," Liwena said. "They said 'what we are trying to do is to promote dialogue and peace but you guys continue broadcasting'."

Liwena said when Namakando said Radio Lyambai was not the only media institution that covered the BNC meeting, they were told that the other media institutions would be dealt with later.

The media institutions that covered the BNC include, The Post, Zambia Daily Mail, Times of Zambia, Zambia National Broadcasting Corporation, Muvi TV, Oblate Radio Liseli and the Zambia News and Information Services ZANIS, which even provided the public address system.

"They said 'even those media institutions we shall deal with them later but for now we are dealing with you'," Liwena narrated. "They said 'next time we will not talk to you seated like this, in the comfort of where you are sitting'."

Liwena said they were warned further that should they broadcast such material again they would not be called like the way they had been called.

Liwena, whose radio station was off air for the better part of last year following its broadcast of Barotse activists' sentiments ahead of the fatal January 14, 2011 Barotseland Agreement-related Mongu incident, expressed concern that the police could do anything to them following the caution.

"It is our responsibility, that is why government allows us to inform the people," said Liwena.

Mpande at 10:16 yesterday morning also called this reporter (Mwala Kalaluka), who covered the BNC, and told him, after asking his whereabouts, that there was something that he wanted to discuss with him but not on the phone.

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