
Friday, April 27, 2012

(LUSAKATIMES) President Sata implores Zambians in diaspora to help develop the country

President Sata implores Zambians in diaspora to help develop the country
TIME PUBLISHED - Friday, April 27, 2012, 1:49 pm

President Michael Sata has urged Zambians in the diaspora to come back home and explore the job opportunities available in the country and to contribute to the development of the country.

President Sata has also assured Zambians that his government’s promise of creating employment opportunities in strategic areas of the economy will be delivered. The President was speaking last evening at a cocktail when he met Zambians living in Zimbabwe at the High Commissioners residence in Harare.

And President Sata has urged Zambians leaving in Zimbabwe to be ambassadors of the country by making meaningful contributions to the economy of the host country.

At the same function, President Sata introduced Zambia’s first Home Affairs Minister Aaron Milner who is now resident in Zimbabwe.

Mr Milner said the election of President Sata has turned a new page for Zambians and the future of the country because of his resolve to stir the country to higher levels of economic development.

He commended President Sata for his firm stance against corruption and urged Zambians to give him and the PF government the support required to fight the scourge if the country is to develop.

Meanwhile, Zambians living in Zambia have been assured of government support to help them obtain national registration identities.

Zambia’s High Commissioner to Zimbabwe Ndiyoyi Mutiti says the embassy is ready to assist Zambians that are ready and willing to go back home by helping them obtain passports and citizenship documents.

The High Commissioner was responding to questions raised by some Zambians living in Zimbabwe over the procedures to follow when acquiring passports and citizenship documents.

And in a vote of thanks, a representative of Zambians living in Zimbabwe, Yvonne Chibiya said Zambians living in Zimbabwe were proud of the stability and economic development that the country has recorded in the recent past.

Mrs Chibiya said as Zambians in the diaspora are committed to making a meaningful contribution to the discourse of development back home.

Meanwhile, President Sata and his entourage have left Harare for Bulawayo.

The President will officially open the 53rd Zimbabwe international Trade Fair later in the day before returning to Lusaka.

He is accompanied by the First lady Dr Christine Kaseba – Sata, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Tourism Given Lubinda, Special Assistant to the President for Press and Public Relations George Chellah, and Zambia’s High Commissioner to Zimbabwe, Ndiyoyi Mutiti.


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