
Sunday, April 22, 2012

PF in W/P is not strong, insists councilor

PF in W/P is not strong, insists councilor
By Roy Habaalu
Sun 22 Apr. 2012, 13:27 CAT

THE PF Western Province Executive Committee yesterday summoned Kanyonyo ward councillor Bright Tombi to apologise for his unauthorised statement that the party was not strong on the ground. But Tombi maintained that the party was increasingly becoming weak and needed urgent re-organisation.

On Wednesday Tombi said hardworking PF cadres persisted in their advocacy work despite being castigated by fellow party members and that it was time for them to reap their rewards.

In an interview from Mongu, Tombi said he was summoned by the provincial treasurer Kenneth Namutulo who asked him to apologise for issuing media statement without consulting him.

He said he made the comments in his capacity as a civic leader for the betterment of the party.

"They were saying I was not supposed to speak because I am not the spokesperson of the party. Then I said that if that's the case then I am sorry for not consulting you. They said as a civic leader I should speak on behalf of my ward, but I said I was getting concerned because these are things that are coming from the ground. Then they said they want to refute that as provincial executive (committee) that there is no in-fighting. Then I said no! If you want to refute that, it's you to refute but the fact is really the party people are complaining," said Tombi.

But Namutulo said they agreed with Tombi that there was no in-fighting within the party.

He said on the ground people were complaining that after their tireless campaign for the PF, they had not benefited.

Tombi said the fact that the PF only managed to scoop two parliamentary seats was a sign that it was not strong in the area.

"What I said is the party at the moment I am telling you we are not all that strong and that is a fact. We need to go on the ground and re-organise the party. But the fact that we only won two seats that symbolises that the party is not strong and if we relent, the party will go down further, that one is not an excuse. Go to Shang'ombo, Sesheke (districts), they will tell you that. We need to work hard. We should not hide these things because that's what everyone is saying," he said.

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